
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Bushcraft Bushcraft instruction

Mana Whenua

Ngā Mana Whenua o te pae maunga o Tararua (of the Tararua mountain range): ko Rangitāne; ko Muaūpoko; ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga; ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira; ko Te Ātiawa Taranaki Whānui, me ko Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai.

Tararua Tramping Club recognises and acknowledges the Mana Whenua o te pae maunga o Tararua.

What's in a Name?

The club takes its name from "Te pae maunga o Tararua", the "Tararua mountain range" (see a map) lying about 50km north of Wellington and covering 155,000 hectares.

Our club name is pronounced Tah-rah-ru-ah. The 'a' sound is that in the word 'are', and 'u' sound as in the word 'two'. You can hear Tararua spoken here.

TTC Bushcraft 2024

As a TTC member, one of the best ways of learning the skills needed for going into the hills is to attend a Bushcraft Instruction course run by the Club. Attending a course is also a really great way of getting to know others who are new to the club or are relatively inexperienced.

TTC Bushcraft costs $120 this year, and the final date for enrolment is 1st, April 2024.

TTC New Members Evening 2024.

An essential part of the course is a thorough read of the MSC Bushcraft Manual available only as a free download.

The TTC Bushcraft 2024 training dates are:

Registration closes1st April 2024Read the MSC Bushcraft Manual cover to cover!
TheoryTuesday 2 April, 5pm-7pmTTC Clubrooms
Day walkSaturday 6 April, 9amLocation - TBC, see the student notes
TheoryTuesday 9 April, 5pm-7pmTTC Clubrooms
Day walkSaturday 13 April, 9amLocation TBC
TheoryTuesday 16 April , 5pm-7pmTTC Clubrooms
Weekend trampSaturday to Sunday 20-21 April, 9amLocation TBC (Smith Creek or Waerenga Hut)

MapCompassSimonMike.jpg: 500x439, 280k (2017 Feb 10 00:00)
Map and Compass at Waerenga Hut

A range of bushcraft skills, and lots of practical information and advice will be provided. A safe and supportive environment with friendly instructors will be provided to help you get the most out of tramping in the ngahere of Aotearoa.

Who is the course for?

The course is for people who are new to tramping or just want to build their confidence. It’s also a great way to meet new people. Participants are required to be a member of the Tararua Tramping Club.

TTCBushcraft2018RiverCrossing.jpg: 2560x1440, 2370k (2018 Jan 29 00:00)
TTC Bushcraft 2018 River Crossing

What will you learn?

Courses are run by experienced people who will share with you with their techniques and will cover such things as:

How fit do you need to be?

Participants need to be able to complete a walk of 10km per day carrying a light weight pack, and will be organised into groups of a similar fitness. Please contact us if you are unsure about your fitness.

2023-09-30 11.35.56 IMG_8494 Bushcraft tramp 2023.jpeg: 4032x3024, 5716k (2023 Oct 15 23:51)
Bushcraft tramp 2023

How much does it cost?

TTC Bushcraft costs $120 this year. Food and the club membership fee are not included in the cost. The course fee covers items such as a pack liner, in-course handouts, and maps.

A compass is necessary equipment for this course. We recommend Silva adjustable dial compasses as they offer good design and build quality at a competitive price.

The completed enrolment form, course fee ($120) and club membership (or submitted membership application form) are required to secure your place on the course. The MSC Bushcraft Manual is required pre-reading before the TTC Bushcraft Weekend.

Please pay your fees by internet banking: 02-0500-0022732-00. Under the Statement Details put Bushcraft and your Name for Bushcraft fees, and Membership and your Name for your membership fee.

To enrol

TTC membership

  • visit our Joining page and complete our online membership application form


If you want to find out more about it - whether or not you are a club member:

  • just contact Leonore Hoke -> mailto:ttc [period] bushcraft [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website

Bushcraft leader's information

See also

Instruction Bushcraft

Page last modified on 2024 Mar 21 04:36

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