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Tararua date related pages
- 2023-10-21-Kaitoke Bushcraft training near Puffer Ridge
- 2023-04-26-Ōtaki Fork A loop off-track & on tracks.
- 2021-02-05-Renata From Cone hut to Alpha Hut to Renata Hut
- 2020-07-03-Powell Hut Track Up through snow to Powell Hut
- 2019-06-26-Pinnacle A loop along Atiwhakatu & Pinnacle Ridge
- 2019-05-11-Pinnacle Ridge A weekent trip to Jumbo returning via Pinnacle Ridge
- 2019-03-06-Otaki Gorge Investigation of routes up the Otaki Gorge
- 2019-02-12-Otaki Gorge A tubing trip dwn the Otaki Gorge
- 2019-02-01-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing: Otaki Forks, Kime Hut, Tutuwai Hut, Reeves, Woodside Station
- 2019-01-03-Waiohine From Te Matawai, down the Waiohine River then up Carkeek Ridge
- 2018-11-07-Waiohine Peak Along the tops from Mt Dick Lookout to Waiohine
- 2018-09-19-Pukeatua Track Travel up and down spurs adjacent to the Pukeatua Track.
- 2018-02-07-Totara Creek Spur Over Gentle Annie & up Totara Creek Spur to Holdsworth Track
- 2018-01-31-Atiwhakatu Watercourse To Jumbo then off-track down the Atiwhakatu watercourse
- 2018-01-28-Pinnacle-Donnelly Flat A loop over Pinnacle and nearby knobs
- 2018-01-10-Tauherenikau Gorge A cold gorge trip down the flooding Tauherenikau river.
- 2017-10-15-Renata Hut A visit to Renata Hut (which needs maintenance)
- 2017-10-04-Mangaone A loop ridge walk west of the Mangaone Walkway
- 2016-10-26-Mitre Flats Into Mitre Flat Hut via Blue Range, returning along Barra Track.
- 2016-08-13-Penn Creek A snowy trip to Penn Creek hut and a crowded night there.
- 2015-12-27-Schormanns To Kaitoke A Tararua Range traverse in 48 hours.
- 2015-01-01-Snowy River-Elder Hut-Hector To Waiotauru Forks & the Snowy River to Elder Hut, & onto Aston Hector the next day
- 2014-10-22-Mt Wainui A trip from Waikakriki Stream to Wainui Saddle to Mt Wainui and down.
- 2014-08-09-Southern Crossing A snowy winter trip along the Marchant Ridge to Alpha
- 2014-03-29-Bushcraft Atiwhakatu Waingawa Photos from Bushcraft in the Atiwhakatu and Waingawa
- 2014-03-11-Neill Forks-Tarahanga Spur Travel via Makaka Creek to Cone Ridge, Neill Forks Hut, then Tarahanga Spur – Concertina Knob.
- 2014-03-01-Bushcraft 2 Photos from second bushcraft trip to Tauherenikau
- 2013-07-27-Akatarawa Forest River crossings and wading, plus travel up and down spurs in the Akatarawa Forest
- 2013-07-06-Carrington Ridge Up Carrington Creek then a climb to near Gentle Annie Saddle & along Carrington Ridge
- 2013-06-23-Totara Flats Two nights at Totara Flats hut with exploring to Makaka Creek & Totara Creek
- 2013-05-25-Akatarawa Tramline Through Akatarawa forest spurs, ridges, & river crossings plus the Akatarawa Tramline
- 2013-04-03-West Akatarawa Maunganui A day walk from in the N.W. Akatarawa Forest Park
- 2013-03-27-Roaring Meg Offtrack up the Roaring Meg then returning via ridge on south side.
- 2013-03-27-Pinnacle Ridge A round trip to Pinnacle, along Pinnacle Ridge & down the Atiwhakatu
- 2013-03-17-Kaitoki Ridge-Benge Creek On & off-track travel up Katoke Ridge to Benge Creek.
- 2013-03-09-Te Mara-Waingawa River-Mitre A demanding circuit encompassing Te Mara, Waingawa River, Girdlestone, and Mitre
- 2013-02-21-Dorset Ridge A trip via Baldy and Caim and bushy ridges to Dorset Creek and Dorset Hut.
- 2013-02-20-Mangahao Up Baber creek, down Dick Creek, then (swimming) down the Mangahao
- 2013-02-18-False Spur A trip via Quoin Ridge to Alpha hut then to Atkinson via False Spur.
- 2013-01-27-Northern Crossing A Northern Crossing by father and son.
- 2013-01-27-Adkin-Girdlestone-Dorset Ridge Angle Knob to MacGregor Bivvy, over Girdlestone to Dorset Ridge Hut & Atiwhakatu Hut
- 2012-09-Akatarawa Saddle-Kapakapanui A long trip on road to Akatarawa Saddle then track over Kapakapanui
- 2012-09-12-Tauwharenīkau Valley A snowy trip into Tutuwai Hut
- 2012-08-18-Waiotauru River-Pukeatua A trip through rugged bush to Waiotauru River then up to Pukeatua.
- 2012-07-28-Akatarawa-Kakanui Peak A day circuit along various bushy spurs to Kakanui peak.
- 2012-07-11-Battle Hill Volume 84, no 10, November
- 2012-05-19-Warrens Saddle-Hutt Forks-Phillips Stream-Norbett Stream A day of off-track travel in Kaitoke Regional Park.
- 2012-04-15-Barra Track-North King-Girdlestone-Mitre Barra track to Mitre Flats & a tops loop from North King to Girdlestone to Mitre
- 2012-03-10-Totara Creek-Mangaterere Track-Sayers Hut A bushcraft trip with off-track navigation into the Totara Creek area
- 2011-12-17-Holsdworth-Cone Ridge A 3 day trip from Totara Creek to Cone Ridge returning via Totara Forks Stream Spur
- 2011-04-20 All over the place for Easter
- 2011-04-13 Wainuiomata, Tararuas and climbing in Rainbow Area
- 2011-04-06 Tararuas and Eastbourne
- 2010-11-24 Nelson Lakes, Taupō, Kawekas, Tararuas
- 2010-11-10 Tararuas, Wainui, Wairarapa, Taranaki, Aspiring, Botanising
- 2010-11-03 Wellington city, Tararuas, Taranaki
- 2010-10-27 Rimutakas, Tararuas, Ruapehu
- 2010-10-22-Table Ridge-Pinnacle Spur A 3 day loop traversing ridges, spurs and tracks including Waiohine Pinnacles and Arete Forks
- 2010-09-22 Tararuas, Rimutakas, and skiing
- 2010-07-06 Tararuas, climb, snow & ski
- 2010-06-16 Tararuas and Ōrongorongo
- 2010-04-01-Renata Forks-Elder Hut-Quoin Ridge A 2-day round trip from Eastern Hutt to Elder Hut via Renata Forks and Quoin Ridge
- 2010-03-20-Penn Creek Hut A tramp to Penn Creek Hut via Field Hut and Table Top returning up a scrubby ridge
- 2010-03-17-Pyramid Knob-Northern Tararuas A 7-hour round trip to Pyramid Knob, returning down an untracked spur to Waiti Stream
- 2010-03-11-Lookout Point Near Bruce Hill Investigating the Lookout Point SW of Bruce Hill on the Blue Range
- 2010-02-22-Main Range-Maungahuka Hut-Middle Spur Otaki Forks to Kime to Maungahuka Hut with a side trip to Aokaporangi Hut & Middle Spur.
- 2010-01-29-Mid Waiohine Hut A trip to Mid-Waiohine Hut and return by an off-track route.
- 2009-11-08-Field Hut-workparty A Field Hut workparty on the 85th anniversary of the hut
- 2009-09-26 Cone Via Makaka Creek An off-track day trip to Cone Peak from Waiohine road end
- 2009-09-13-Marchant Stream Spur A fine day up the Marchant Stream Spur to the Marchant track
- 2009-09-06-Table Top-Penn Creek Hut A strenuous day trip from Table Top to Penn Creek hut by a new route and back
- 2009-04-16-Nichols Hut A trip from Otaki Forks to Waitewaewae hut and then to Nichols Hut and back.
- 2009-04-04-Waiotauru Forks-Tregear Stream-Rae Ridge Track clearing of old logging roads plus travel up Rae Ridge
- 2009-01-31-Waingawa River A trip with lots of swimming to Mitre Flats bridge and then down the Waingawa River Gorge.
- 2009-01-31-Deception Spur A 10-hour round trip along untracked bushy spurs near North Ohau River
- 2009-01-21-Herepai-Ruapai A long day trip encircling Herepai, Ruapai, Haukura Ridge, and Ruapai Stream
- 2009-01-17-Putaputa Stream A day trip to Kakariki summit, with some tricky navigation and bush bashing.
- 2008-11-28-Carkeek Ridgemiddle Crossing A traverse across remote parts of the Tararuas requiring long days.
- 2008-11-02-Field Hut Work Party A Field hut work party of 4 people who celebrated the 84th birthday of Field hut.
- 2008-10-29-Waitohu Stream-Mick A day trip to Waitohu stream for a climb of Mick using new routes.
- 2008-09-10-Square Knob From The Waiti Brief trip summary here
- 2008-09-05-Putara-Cattle Ridge-Pukemoremore A weekend trip n the Northern Tararuas
- 2008-05-04-Waiotauru River And Snowy Hut Snowy and Eastern Waiotauru Rivers
- 2008-04-27-Baldy-Girdlestone-Dorset Ridge-Mc Gregor Brief trip summary here
- 2008-04-12-High Ridge-Totara Flats Brief trip summary here
- 2008-03-15-Southern Crossing Brief trip summary here
- 2008-02-16-Kiriwhakapapa-Cow Creek-Ruamahanga Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-18-Tarn Ridge Brief trip summary here
- 2007-12-30-Sayers Hut Brief trip summary here
- 2007-12-09-Gorge Creek Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-24-Neill Forks Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-15 Middle Crossing A November Middle Crossing
- 2007-11-03-Eastern Hutt River Gorge-Phillips Stream Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-02-Southern Crossing Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-02-Field Hut83rd Birthday Work Party Brief trip summary here
- 2007-10-13-Fall Stream Waterfall Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-29-Roaring Stag Lodge-Lost Lake
- 2007-09-22-Penn Creek Revisited Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-15-Clem Creek Spur-Cone Peak Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-08-Rae Ridge Brief trip summary here
- 2007-08-24-Gorge Stream Spur Brief trip summary here
- 2007-06-15-Kapakapanui Stream
- 2007-05-20-Sayers Hut
- 2007-05-09-Mt Frith
- 2007-04-06-Southern Main Range-Tararuas
- 2007-03-24-Mick Stream
- 2007-03-16-Tauherenikau-Eastern Hutt-Marchant Ridge
- 2007-03-02-Holdsworth-Jumbo
- 2007-02-10-Panatewaewae Stream
- 2007-02-10-North Ohau Hut
- 2007-01-20-Mick Ridge-Waitewaewae Forks
- 2007-01-19-Otaki Forks-Tregear Creek-Rae Ridge
- 2006-ttc-fit Photos from TTF Fit group trips
- 2006-12-28-Ruamahunga River-Roaring Stag Lodge-Haukura Ridge-Ruapae Stream
- 2006-10-21-Carrington Spur-Sayers Hut-Totara Creek
- 2006-10-14-South Ohau-North Ohau-Bump 773
- 2006-10-14-Atiwhakatu-Pinnacle-Pinnacle Ridge-Atiwhakatu
- 2006-09-16-Kakanui-Renata Ridge-Maymorn Ridge-Frances Stream
- 2006-09-02-Cloustonville-Pakuratahi Forks
- 2006-08-28-Cone Hut
- 2006-07-02-Dobsons-Tauherenikau
- 2006-06-03-Tauherenikau 889 From Valley
- 2006-05-13-New Bridge New Territory
- 2006-04-Bushcraft
- 2006-04-14-Easter-Tararuas
- 2006-04-08-Holdsworth Lodge-TT Cunplugged
- 2006-02-04 Island Forks
- 2006-01-21 Ngapuketutua Stream
- 2005-12-02 Pukeatua Stream Traverse
- 2005-11-05 M-F-Off Track Exploration
- 2005-09-03 Ohau-Ponds Road-Square Knob-Tawikikohukohu
- 2005-03-12 Roaring Stag Swansong
- 2004-01-10 Otaki Forks-Elder Biv-Kime Hut
- 2001-01-13 Kaitoke-Cone Hut Kaitoke - Cone Hut
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