These are recipes submitted by members,
and from the Tararua Tramper.

4.0 International License.
Recipe list
Tramper 2020
- Ambrosia Dessert
- American Chicken A Tararua Lodge main course
- Beef And Noodle Soup A Tararua Lodge main course
- Bread Making Practical bread for on the track
- Brownie Baking
- Basic Cheese Scones Baking cheese scones
- Chilli Con Carne A Tararua Lodge main course
- Crackers Crackers for tramping
- Curried Sausages And Rice Curried Sausages and Rice
- Dried Fruit Scones dried fruit scones baking
- Flap Jacks A great recipe and foodbar for long tramps
- Fruit Cobbler A Tararua Lodge dessert
- Fruit Crumble A Tararua Lodge dessert, apple, peach, apricot, pear etc crumble
- Fudge Pudding A Tararua Lodge standard and favourite dessert
- Gluhwein Einar Møller Jensen's Tararua Lodge Gluhwein
- Granola Peter Reimann’s half century Grnola recipe
- Pru's high energy muffins Baking
- Hotcakes Breakfast
- Icecream Cake Dessert doesn't come richer or yummier than this
- Long haul Laksa A Laksa dinner
- Lasagna A Tararua Lodge main course
- Long Haul Laksa Smoked chicken green curry style dish which has been eaten already inside many a Tararua Hut
- Meat Loaf main course
- Mulled Wine A Tararua Lodge beverage: Red wine with spices served hot
- Perfect Porridge The best porridge you can make
- Scones Baking for a closed day at Tararua Lodge
- Daleys Flat Shepherd’s Pie a delicious lightweight tramping main
- Soldiers Cake Canister Fruit cake sent to WW2 soldiers
- Spaghetti With Meat Sauce A Tararua Lodge main
- Sultana Cake Baking
- Sweet And Sour Pork Main
- Tandoori Chicken A Tararua Lodge main course
- Tararua Biscuits The classic indestructible tramping biscuit
- Welsh Cakes Baking
See also
- Tips And Hints Cooking information
- Fast and Light(approve sites) Tramping Food options for the New Zealand outdoors