
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Social Committee Guide-Door Duty


TTC club night programme

Held on Tuesday evenings

  • Supper, socialising from 7:10 pm - 7:30 pm
  • General business 7:30 pm - 7:35 pm
  • Speaker 7:35 pm - 8:30 pm

Door Duty guide

Please arrive by 6.45pm

Set up table by front door

  • Set out money tin and the appropriate admission charge sign which are kept in the white plastic storage box from Social Committee cupboard in kitchen
  • There is no charge for first time visitors
  • Don’t be afraid to ask someone to pay if they walk in without doing so if they are regular members. This pays for supper, hall maintenance, and club night activities
  • Set out pamphlets, the latest copy of the Tararua Tramper, Fixture Card and related literature


  • Keep an eye out for anyone who is new to the club
  • Introduce yourself and show interest in why they have come to the club and what activities they are interested in
  • Tell them that our website ( all the information they need to join us and go on trips
  • Encourage new people to go on a club trip, introduce them to the leader if possible
  • Explain the grading system and how to get access to a club trip
  • Give them access to a copy of the Tararua Tramper, Fixture Card, Membership form etc
  • Ask them if they have seen the TTC website and let them know that there is plenty of additional information available there
  • Let them know about the bushcraft and alpine instruction courses
  • Where appropriate introduce them to other club members
  • Show them the Gear room and Library and talk about the Tararua Lodge and Waerenga Hut
  • Share with them your experiences with the club

During the meeting

  • Turn off lights at back of hall when speaker commences and turn lights back on again at the end of the presentation
  • During winter months, press the green button in the foyer periodically to keep the heaters going
  • Try to keep the noise down at the back of the hall. People talking outside and in foyer can still be heard in the main hall

Closing up at the end of the meeting

  • Count money from door takings, write up deposit slip and collect together into a plastic cash deposit bag
  • Take the takings home to bank as soon as possible(see below)
  • Membership: on occasions new members pay their subscription on club night. Collect their membership form and give to any member of the General Committee or scan and email to the Membership contact person Jane‑Pyar Mautner -> mailto:ttc [period] membership [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 689 8845.
  • Put all materials from front table away at end of the club night in the Social Committee cupboard in the kitchen and ensure that the cupboard is locked

Banking door takings after the meeting

  • You are responsible for depositing the door takings and any membership payments as soon as possible at any BNZ branch
  • BNZ now has automatic counting machines so there is no need to count the takings before going to the bank. You will need the TTC account number for Club Night - 02-0500-0022732-00.

See also

Page last modified on 2022 Jul 05 09:00

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