
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Activities

With TTC there is always somewhere to go, and someone to go with. Whether you have never been into the hills before or you are a seasoned adventurer, the club has much to offer.

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Otaki Gorge

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Otaki Gorge

Our event programme has all kinds of trips and activities, all year round.

Our club meetings are held every Tuesday night at our centrally-located clubrooms in Moncrieff Street. You are welcome to join us.

How do I find out about club trips?

Upcoming trips are listed in the fixture card and in the club's monthly newsletter The Tararua Tramper.

We invite you to come along to our regular Tuesday club meetings where you may hear about additional unscheduled trips.

Non-members and people with all levels of experience are welcome. You don't need to be a club member to come along on club trips, but members receive certain discounts and preferential booking.

Check with the trip leader about the difficulty of the trip and any special gear or experience required. The trip leader will usually arrange transport and will let participants know about the trip's cost, food and meeting-time arrangements.

To sign up for a trip, contact the trip leader. Many day and weekend trips are arranged at club night on the week of the trip.

Gear such as billies, ice axes, crampons and parkas is available for hire from our gear room.

See trip information for details about fitness grades, gear, safety considerations etc.

Be a great tramper, follow the Minimum Impact Code

Day walks

The club runs an extensive program of day trips.

  • Wednesday trips Joan Basher -> mailto:ttc [period] wednesday [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 346 7700
  • Saturday trips Dave Reynolds -> mailto:ttc [period] saturday [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 934 6120
  • Sunday trips Liz Martin -> mailto:ttc [period] sunday [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 6311 or 021 135 6851


The club runs hundreds of tramping trips throughout the year with a range of grades from easy day trips through to fit multiday tramps.

There is an incredible variety of trips to choose from: Wednesday trips around Wellington, weekend day walks, weekend tramps in the Tararua and Remutaka forest parks, and longer trips anywhere in Aotearoa and even overseas.

Those new to tramping in Aotearoa may be interested in our annual bushcraft course which teaches essential skills like map and compass navigation and river crossing, and leads on to our alpine instruction course.

TTC Family trips and activities
Request to join by email -> mailto:ttc [period] family+owner [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject="Please subscribe me to ttc [period] family"&Body=
Visit email group
Post to ttc [period] family group -> mailto:ttc [period] family [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:ttc [period] family+unsubscribe [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject="Unsubscribe"&Body=


TTC prides itself on its family-oriented trips. The club has a strong family group that arranges trips and activities from bring a buggy through to teenage tramps. Regular family ski trips in the June and October school holidays, long weekend lodge trips, walks, and bike trips, are all part of the rich TTC family tradition and current participation.
See the family page for more information.

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Climbing and Mountaineering

TTC has a long-standing tradition of mountaineering and offers an active yet friendly climbing scene. Club members lead summer and winter alpine climbing, summer rock cragging and alpine tramping trips.

See the main climbing and mountaineering page for details.

Skiing and snowboarding

Starting with trips to the club's Tararua Lodge in the Tongariro World Heritage Area TTC has many active members taking part in snow sports. During the ski season there are trips to the lodge every weekend and most weeks. There are family ski trips during the July and October holidays These are all listed on our Snow calendar.

See our winter activities page for much more information.

TTC Biking
Request to join by email -> mailto:ttc [period] biking+owner [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject="Please subscribe me to ttc [period] biking"&Body=
Visit ttc.biking email group
Post to ttc [period] biking group -> mailto:ttc [period] biking [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:ttc [period] biking+unsubscribe [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject="Unsubscribe"&Body=

Club members can post to this group after joining it

Mountain Biking and Cycling

TTC organises mountain biking and road cycling trips from one day trips around the Wellington region to weekend and multiday trips around Aotearoa. Occasionally trips are run to popular events and races around the country, such as the Martinborough Fun Ride and the Round Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge. Trips are graded from easy through to fit. Family cycling trips suitable for children and youths are also often run. Depending on the kind of trip, you will need to have your mountain or road bike and gear.

Contact for biking enquiries vacancy -> mailto:ttc [period] biking [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website .

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Square Knob 1

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Square Knob 1

Youth Programme - Tramping, Rock Climbing, Skiing

The club is in the process of starting a youth programme to encourage people between the ages of 14 to 24 to join the club and experience some of the sports this club has to offer: tramping, rock climbing and skiing. The programme aims to provide instruction in these sports to a basic level so the participants feel comfortable joining the club's trips. The programme also aims to provide a social environment that is appealing.

If you are interested in being part of the pilot and want more information see TTC Youth Programme.

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Instruction Courses

Our Bushcraft and Alpine Instruction courses are extremely popular and equip participants with a sound knowledge and skill base to enable them to enjoy the outdoors safely and proficiently.

From time-to-time, TTC organises special instruction in specialist topics such as first aid, river crossing and trip leadership.

For upcoming notices of these events, keep a watch on the TTC news email group.


TTC runs or joins in on a number of conservation projects, such as tree planting trips, Mana Island conservation trips, and the Tararua Weka Project. The club often makes submissions on public issues affecting conservation and backcountry recreation.

Conservation trips are listed on the club's fixture card and noticeboards.

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Angle Knob

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Angle Knob

Social Events and the Social Committee

Our social committee runs the Tuesday club night and organises a number of club events in the club calendar
Joining the Social Committee is a great way to get to know people in the club (Contact Muriel Christianson -> mailto:ttc [period] social [period] committee [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 479 5269).

Club calendar

Page last modified on 2024 Oct 02 11:13

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