TTC Archive
The archive has complete holdings of the Tararua Annual.
Wanted for the archive
Copies of the following are needed to complete holdings.
Tararua Tramper
- 1928 Nov-Dec x2
- 1929 Jan x2 / Feb-June / Oct x2 / Nov-Dec
- 1930 Jan-May / Aug-Sept
- 1931 Mar / May
- 1932 Dec x2
- 1933 Mar / Jun-Aug
- 2002 Mar
AGM minutes
- 1989
- 1997
Fixture card
- July-Dec 1930
Map of the Tararua Mountain System
- 4th edition
(The archive has the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th editions).
Jo Newman -> mailto:ttc [period] archivist [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 385 2254
Archives Policy
For guidance on what donations we accept please see our Archives Policy.