
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Club Night

TTC club night programme

Held on Tuesday evenings

  • Supper, socialising from 7:10 pm - 7:30 pm
  • General business 7:30 pm - 7:35 pm
  • Speaker 7:35 pm - 8:30 pm

A community defibrillator is outside the hall

The hall is available for hire.

Tuesday is our regular club night

Our hui are held at our centrally-located clubrooms at 4 Moncrieff Street, off Elizabeth Street, in Mount Victoria, and are shared online with members and friends, using Google Meet web conferencing.

We welcome new faces at our hui, and there are always club members available to provide newcomers with information and answer any questions.

New Zealand’s COVID-19 response has ended. You are welcome to continue to wear a face mask. Please do not attend club nights if you are unwell.

Club night programme

All presentations and events listed below will be broadcast live online via Google Meet web conferencing. See online hui guidance for information on how to attend online.

To add and update club nights go to

Geckos and skinks: lizards of the backcountry

11 February  Geckos and skinks: lizards of the backcountry Anna Yeoman

Anna shares stories and photographs from her new book, Geckos & Skinks: The Remarkable Lizards of Aotearoa, a collection of gripping tales about the discovery, study and conservation of New Zealand’s fascinating lizard species. Her book will be on sale for $55 - bring cash or arrange a bank transfer.

Adventures in Kenya and Tanzania 
 Philippa Grimes

18 February  Adventures in Kenya and Tanzania Philippa Grimes

Philippa cycled on remote back roads in Kenya and Tanzania, camped with local families, viewed wildlife in the Ngorongoro Crater, and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro via the Machame Route.

Predator Free Wellington Phase Two: Island Bay to CBD 
 Alistair Henshaw

25 February  Predator Free Wellington Phase Two: Island Bay to CBD Alistair Henshaw

With the Miramar mission successfully completed, PFW’s primary focus now is optimisation and increased efficiency, going harder and faster with improved methods, new technology and innovation.

Hiking in Timor-Leste 
 ''Jonty Crane''

04 March  Hiking in Timor-Leste Jonty Crane

Jonty Crane spent a year in Timor-Leste (East Timor). In the first of two talks he shares his hiking experiences in this 'undiscovered hiking gem’, including day walks around the capital Dili and an eight-day hike across the country.

National Parks of the American West''

11 March  National Parks of the American West''

Liz Martin and Alan Graham explored a wide variety of Parks with National Geographic, including the Grand Canyon and Yosemite, as well as others not so well known. Worryingly, they experienced unseasonably hot weather in late September and early October.

Plan My Walk – past, present and future''

18 March  Plan My Walk – past, present and future''

Bevan Smith (New Zealand Mountain Safety Council) Bevan, the Product Owner for Plan My Walk, will chat about why the MSC created Plan My Walk, how it’s already making people’s trips better, and what’s in the works for the future of the app and website.

 Hiking in Timor-Leste [II]   Jonty Crane''

25 March  Hiking in Timor-Leste [II] Jonty Crane''

In his second talk Jonty covers Atauro Island and multi-day hikes around the mountainous centre of the country.

Attending an online clubnight

See our online hui assistance.

Can you, or someone you know, keep us entertained and informed?

Our Tuesday night programme organisers Liz, Elizabeth and Julia are keen to:

  • hear from anyone who would like to offer to be a club night speaker, and
  • receive suggestions for prospective speakers and topics of interest for club night presentations

Previous clubnights

See what you enjoyed or missed at this or last year's clubnights.

Page last modified on 2024 Apr 13 21:49

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