
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Feed Back

Problems with the website?

Is there something wrong with our website? A broken link, old or incorrect information?

The Webteam encourages you to have a go at fixing it yourself.

  • simply click on the Edit link at the top right or bottom left of any page.
  • a new page will open and you can make the change in the form displayed.
  • you can't damage anything.
  • remember to put your name in the author field at the bottom of the form
  • click the save button at the bottom of the form
  • if you make a mistake simply click on the History link to restore the previous version of the page
  • see the FAQ for a little more information

Otherwise the Webteam would like to hear from you.

  • send an email to Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website

It would also be helpful if you could provide us with the following information:

If the problem is related to the look and feel of the web site, and the way it displays, prints, or functions in your browser, these details would be of great assistance to us:

  • The device or type and version of the operating system you are using, eg iPhone, Android, Windows 10, or Mint Linux
  • The type and version of the browser you are using, eg Chrome, Safari, or Edge
  • A screen dump of the page showing the problem, saved as a .gif or .png file (eg using Greenshot or snipping tool).

Known Problems

For all issues ensure you have the most up to date version of your web browser, also, try a different web browser. YMMV.

Display of site pages

There have been of instances reported of text overwriting pictures, or more frustratingly, pictures covering text. This is likely to be the fault of the browser. The layout of these pages attempts to compensate for this, and carefully uses standard HTML, but ultimately cannot fix an issue with the software that displays them.


When printing the pages some pictures may be split across page boundaries, and in some cases the layout may look poor. Again, regrettably, this is a browser issue.

Email links

If email links do not open your email client when clicked upon this is not a website problem. Please review the settings of your browser or operating system. See also

A note on web browsers

The TTC web pages are developed based on web standards, in particular those defined by the World Wide Web Consortium for web style sheets and HyperText Markup Language, and the ECMA standards organisation for ECMA script (the name used for standardised Javascript).
The web team recommends that if possible you use the latest version of a modern browser.


Constructive comments and feedback are always welcome on our forum.

Contact The Webteam

Your Webteam, Simon Davis, Jenna Thoms, Lana Cleverley, are always pleased to receive recommendations and commendations, not to mention, of course, contributions of content.

  • For technical issues email the Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website who may be able to assist.

Page last modified on 2024 May 17 19:50

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