
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Huts

Club Huts and Ruapehu Mountain Lodge

Throughout its history the Tararua Tramping Club has built and maintained many huts, most of them in the Tararua Range. By the 1970s up to eleven huts were being maintained by the club. Today we maintain four tramping huts and our Ruapehu mountain lodge.

Tramping huts

Waerenga is a locked hut in the Remutaka Forest Park.
Cone , Field and Kime are "open" huts and all lie within the Tararua Forest Park.
Hut fees for Field, Kime and Cone are $10/night (children 5 to 17 are half price), or are covered by DOC's Annual Hut Pass.

Cone Hut

2009-08-01 12.27.49 Historic Cone Hut - Peter Penhall.jpeg: 1024x683, 1048k (2022 May 04 10:26)
Cone Hut in the upper Tauwharenīkau valley

Cone Hut, (5 mattresses)[1] is a slab hut, built in 1945, and opened in the Upper Tauwharenīkau River Valley, near the river, at the bottom of the track down from Cone Saddle.

Cone is an open hut, and part of the DoC Back Country Huts system. Cone Hut has a historic designation. The hut was built using the rare technique of adzing Totara timber into framing and splitting it into slab walls.

The hut was restored in the 1980s and is the second oldest hut in the Tararua Ranges, and one of the best examples of an original slab hut in the country.

See more about Cone hut.

Kime Hut

Work began on a replacement for Old Kime Hut, on a site just to the south. In 2014 Kime III was completed and signed off, after the hut failed a council "code compliance" because the window flashings did not follow the specifications. Having no stove, it is still somewhat cold and damp. Nevertheless it's layout, window configuration, insulation, and greater size make it a great improvement over Old Kime Hut.

Kime III, April 2014
Kime III, April 2014

See more about Kime hut.

Field Hut

Field Hut in its old colours
Field Hut in its old colours

Field Hut, (20 bunks), was comissioned and built 1924 by woodsman Joe Gibbs for the Tararua Tramping Club. It was the first hut the club built, followed later by Kime Hut, Tauwharenīkau Hut, and Cone Hut. It is a club owned public hut in the Tararua Forest Park, located near the bush edge, on the Southern Crossing track, above Ōtaki Forks.

Field Hut has a historic designation, and has the distinction of being the oldest tramping hut in the Tararua Forest Park, and the oldest remaining hut specifically built for tramping. There is a display of historic photos of the hut in the hut.

In 2004 the Field Hut 80th was celebrated. In 2024 the Centenary is to be celebrated.

  • Department of Conservation information on Field Hut

See more about Field Hut.

Waerenga Hut

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Relaxing outside Waerenga Hut in the Ōrongorongo River valley

Waerenga Hut, is the club's hut on the eastern side of the Ōrongorongo River in the Remutaka Forest Park. The club has had a hut near this site since 1931. The current hut was built in 1961 and moved to its current site in 2009, after it was undermined in the massive floods of 31 March 2005.

The hut is well placed for the many walks and tramps available in the Remutaka Forest Park, including the climb of Mt Matthews, and trips to other peaks, the South Coast, Wainuiomata, and the Wairarapa. Or just as a place to relax away from it all.

See more about Waerenga hut.

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Tararua Lodge at Whakapapa ski area, Mt Ruapehu
2011-07-18 07.42.28 P1020697 Simon Tararua Lodge.jpeg: 4000x3000, 4642k (2014 Jul 21 07:30)
Tararua Lodge at Whakapapa ski area, Mt Ruapehu

Tararua Lodge Ruapehu

Tararua Tramping Club Lodge is our unique alpine lodge situated on the northern slopes of Mt. Ruapehu, GPS co-ordinates: 1820807.14, 5653092.69, at an altitude of 1764m. Tararua Lodge_Trail_Map_Whakapapa in the Whakapapa Alpine Area providing both summer and winter facilities. It is within the Tongariro National Park and World Heritage area. Tararua Lodge is available year round for members and their guests. At least one of the party must be a TTC member

It is essential you make a booking before visiting the lodge.

To book a lodge stay during the summer of 2025/2026 please contact Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958 For booking during the winter please visit our Lodge trip page.

Tararua Lodge is the base for many of our winter activities.

Trips to the lodge

If you are going to visit the lodge, please see our visiting Tararua Lodge page.
If you are leading a trip to the lodge, please see our trip leader's page.

See more about Tararua Lodge.

Love our Huts

Our huts are a special part of our club heritage, and our club activities. Please report any hut damage, or other relevant information, to TTC's Huts Convenor Lana Cleverley -> mailto:ttc [period] huts [period] convenor [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 022 006 4715.

Page last modified on 2025 Feb 11 08:38

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