The clubrooms are the home of our library.
What the library offers
- Over 1,200 books available for loan, including guidebooks, biographies, anthologies and recipe books
- Books about: climbing, cycling, mountaineering, skiing, tramping, walks and tracks, bushcraft, conservation, first aid, search and rescue, New Zealand flora & fauna, landscapes, islands, national parks, the Southern Alps, South Island High Country, Antarctica, European Alps, the Himalaya
- Book reviews, in recent editions of Backcountry bulletin or via the online library catalogue on the website.
- The latest Wilderness magazines
- A database at TTC Library catalogue for searching for titles and authors or by subject matter.
Using the library
- Come into the library before and after club night meetings to browse the collection.
- To borrow a book or magazine: enter details in the Issues Book
- Loan periods are two weeks for new books and three weeks for other books and magazines.
- Returning a book or magazine: use the box in the library labelled RETURNS. Please return all borrowed items promptly.
- Library amnesty: Books and magazines borrowed from the library some time ago can be returned with no questions asked. Please have a look around at home to see if you have any overdue TTC library books.
Two or three-letter coding is used for each category:
- Antarctica ANT
- Biographies B and then the first three letters of name of the person the book is about. e.g. Edmund Hillary B HIL
- Bushcraft BUS
- Conservation CON
- Cooking & Recipes REC
- First Aid & Rescue FAR
- Flora & Fauna F&F
- New Zealand General NZG
- North Island NI
- Snowsports SNO
- South Island SI
- Watersports WAT
See the Library catalogue for details.
Another interesting site to reference is the NZ Maps Through the Years. It shows NZ maps from 1899 to 2019.
Susi Lang -> mailto:ttc [period] librarian [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website