
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Publications

The Tararua Tramper

Tararua Tramper

Our monthly newsletter of happenings and upcoming events is  Tararua Tramper.

Send news and stories about tramping, climbing, cycling, walking and the outdoors to the Tramper editor Peter Reimann -> mailto:ttc [period] tramper [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 9602 .

Copies of Tararua Tramper dating back to the first edition - Volume 1, Number 1, 1928 - are held in the club's library. Editions from 2004 Volume 76 onwards are available online. There is an Index of Tramper articles 1928-99, compiled by Neville Lockett.

Print copies of Tararua Tramper are posted to financial club members who pay a subscription, and may be purchased by non-members.

Tararua Annual
Tararua Annual

Tararua Annual

The club's annual publication Tararua: Annual of the Tararua Tramping Club records illustrated stories about the club's people, history, activities, and significant events - longer trips, overseas adventures, developments in areas of interest to the club, club anniversaries and celebrations, and the lives of members who have died. All editions are available on the website.

Send trip reports and articles to Tararua editor David McCrone -> mailto:ttc [period] annual [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 384 3031.

Tararua Footprints. A Tramper's Guide to the Tararua Ranges

The aim of this guide is to aid the tramper of moderate fitness who is going on a particular trip for the first time. It can be updated by members.

Accident & Emergency Checklist

Keep one of these in your pack: Casualty Assessment Form

Tararua Tramping Club Rules

Special publications

From time to time the club produces some special publications. Examples are Tararua Story (published in 1946) and Generally Tramping (published to coincide with TTC's 75th Jubilee in 1994). Copies of the latter may be purchased from the club. Tararua Song books (free plus p&p) and Recipe books ($10.00 plus p&p) are also available. Leading the way – 100 years of the Tararua Tramping Club, by Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean, was published for the club's centenary in 2019 and is available for purchase.

Safety in the Mountains
FMC Backcountry magazine

FMC Backcountry magazine

Members receive copies of the quarterly Backcountry magazine published by Federated Mountain Clubs. Backcountry contains interesting articles related to outdoors recreation and keeps members in touch with what the national body is up to.

Every member also receives upon joining a copy of the FMC's Safety in the Mountains - a small but invaluable guide that should always be close at hand to anyone contemplating tramping or climbing trips.

Participants in the club's instructional courses are issued with manuals relevant to the course.


Tararua Tramping Club receives newsletters from many tramping clubs and other outdoors organisations. They can be viewed by members in the club library.


The clubrooms is the home of our library. It's a good source of information on many of the club's outdoor interests, both current and in the past, and holds many of the above publications. The library is located in the clubrooms behind the hall.

The librarian or another helper is present each Tuesday night for members wishing to borrow or return books or magazines. Have a look in the TTC Library catalog to see the publications the library holds.

Contact the librarian Susi Lang -> mailto:ttc [period] librarian [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website for further information.

Tararua history

Please see our separate group of pages for information about the history of the club and the range.


Page last modified on 2024 Aug 01 12:36

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