
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Tararua Footprints Appendices

Valleys, Routes, and Crossings

Search Tararua Tramper's Guide

Peaks in the Tararua Ranges over 1,500 metres

Peggy's Peak1,545m
Bannister1,537m(and several knobs over 1,500m)
North King1,535m
South King1,531m
Mid King1,521m
Angle Knob1,510m
Dundas1,500m(1,499m depending upon map edition!)
(plus a few more without individual names.)

Pain scale 1 - 5

  1. You only notice the discomfort when you look for it.
Coffee or aspirin suffice to quell. The cause needs some attention.
  1. Experience light inconvenience to usual activities. e.g. muscle strain.
Needs some attention but pain can be accommodated. Relieve the cause and prevent it worsening.
  1. Substantial pain. Significant interference with activities. e.g. wounded muscle, sprained wrist.
Needs informed attention, but in the short run, first-aid kit will probably suffice.
  1. Very significant pain. Makes normal activities very difficult or impossible. e.g. sprained ankle, serious wound.
Needs prompt attention, with professional attention in the intermediate run.
  1. Extreme pain - makes you unconscious. e.g.
probably needs emergency medical attention. Others will have to care for you.

Further reading

Trampers commonly enrich their experience of the hills with complementary pursuits. Photography is the most common. I have not sufficient experience to recommend a guide, but Rundle and MacLean below show results of the masters. The careful union of angle, composition, lighting, and exposure; with of course opportunity and experience; go to shape these masterpieces. Digital cameras now widen the scope of equipment.

Other subjects that may extend our interest, range from the technical, such as botany, geology and zoology; to the artistic endeavours, such as poetry, painting and history (and gastronomy?).

A micro selection of books follows. These will be found in good libraries.

History and general

G. L. AdkinHorowhenuaorig. Dep. Int. Affairs 1948, nowCapper reprint.
B. D. A. GreigTararua Storysilver jubilee publication of theTararua Tramping Club, 1946.
Ross KerrA Chronology of the Tararua and Remutaka Rangesself pub. Box 540 Levin. 2006.
Chris MacLeanTararua – The Story of a Mountain RangeWhitcombe Press, 1994 (has an extensive bibliography).
John RundleThe Tararua BookMillwood Press, 1981.
VariousTraversing the Tararuas S - KWellington T & M Club, PO Box 5068 Wellington.
Shaun Barnett & Chris MacLeanLeading the Waycentennial jubilee publication of theTararua Tramping Club, 2019.


Graeme StevensA Tramper’s Geology of the TararuasDSIR Geological Survey, 1974 (an easily read account).
Graeme StevensRugged LandscapeReed, 1974 (covers the Wellington region in general).
Hamish Campbell & Gerard HutchingIn Search of Ancient New ZealandPenguin & GNS, 2007.

Natural Science

George GibbsGhosts of Gondwana. The History of Life in New ZealandCraig Potton, 2006
John SalmonCollins Guide to the Alpine Plants of New ZealandCollins, 1985 (great photographs).
Hugh WilsonStewart Island PlantsField Guide Publications 1982 (excellent drawings and a simple great identification key).

Route guides

J. N. JenningsTararua Forest Park Route GuideCompiled for the NZ Forest Service, GPO 1963
Jonathan KennettTararua Adventure GuideKennett Brothers, 2010

Park maps

NZMS 274Tararua State Forest Park
Hunting and recreation guide
1st edition 19771:100,000
 Tararua Tramps, NewTopo LtdEdition 1, 20051:75,000
NZMS 274/2Tararua State Forest Park
Guide to
Edition 3, 19831:100,000
274-02Parkmap TararuaEdition 6, 19771:100000

Topo maps

NZMS1Tararua.jpeg: 723x980, 332k (2014 Jul 21 07:30)
NZMS 11:63,360Topo50
N161 RimutakaEdition 3, 1974BP33 Featherston
N157 ŌtakiEdition 4, 1973BP34 Masterton
N158 MastertonEdition 3, 1973BN33 Levin
N152 LevinEdition 4, 1973BN34 Shannon
N153 EketahunaEdition 3, 1972BM35 Woodwille

Department of Conservation

The Tararua Ranges are in the Wellington Hawke's Bay Conservancy. See DoC's local offices for current details.

For damage, hazards, and conservation emergencies telephone: 0800 DOCHOTline (0800 362 468)

And dial 111 for Fire, Ambulance, and Police emergencies.

Clubs and contacts

Several outdoors clubs use the Tararuas as a major activity area. Many of these run instruction courses and offer a safe introduction to the ranges and speedy knowledge of their complexities. Up-to-date details of local organisations, their meeting places and times, web addresses etc, can be found on the Federated Mountain Clubs website and the TTC Wellington Tramping Clubs links.

Other groups complement the outdoors landscape with companion interests, such as orienteerers, deerstalkers, kayak, Forest and Bird, mountain bikers(approve sites), cavers and caving, etc, and can be contacted through DoC, the www. web, or the Civic Centre Information Offices of your local town.

See also outdoors and environmental links.

Wellington Mountain Radio Service

See safety links.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.

There is a hill that stands for me

beyond the sunset and the sea,
a ladder of light ascending :
when I have crossed the evening ray
and lost my comrade of white day,
it beckons me, bending
a mountain-way of wind and rain
to draw my feet from the dark plain :–

Where stars of slumber kindle on its crest,

my hill, the high hill, from wandering to rest.
Geoffrey Winthrop Young, from Beacons

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:00

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