We welcome feedback and updates.
The Tararua Tramper's guide is maintained and updated by you.
If you have an update for the guide please contact the Chief Guide Paul McCredie -> mailto:ttc [period] chief [period] guide [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 021 477 617
Updates are welcome on the Tararua Tramper's Guide Feedback page
Tararua Overview
Eastern Tararuas
- Mangatainoka Valley
- Ruamahanga Valley
- Kiriwhakapapa Valley
- Mikimiki Valley
- Waingawa Valley
- Holdsworth Road-end
- Mangatarere Valley
- Kaipaitangata Valley
- Waiohine Valley
- Tauwharenīkau Valley
Southern Tararuas
Western Tararuas
- Ngatiawa, Waikanae, and Mangaone Valleys
- Waiotauru River System
- Ōtaki River System
- Waitohu Valley
- Waikawa Valley
- Makaretu Valley
- Ōhau Valley
- Mangahao Valley
Routes and crossings
Minimum impact code
Tararua hut index
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