
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2006-10-14-Atiwhakatu-Pinnacle-Pinnacle Ridge-Atiwhakatu

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Vol 79 no 1, January/February 2007

Atiwhakatu Valley – Pinnacle – Pinnacle Ridge – Atiwhakatu Valley

Medium day trip

14 October 2006

Pinnacle Ridge is located on the true left of Atiwhakatu Stream in the southeastern Tararuas and can be accessed by crossing the Atiwhakatu Stream at S26173313 and climbing to bump 634m and then on to bump 846m. I had opted for a dry boot route which involved following a well- marked and well-used trail on the true left of the Atiwhakatu Stream starting at S26 185304. From a point above a slip overlooking Donnelly Flats a marked route climbs steadily to Pinnacle 877m.

The summit of Pinnacle and the northwest slope is a mixture of low scrub and rocky outcrops probably resulting from a fire some time in the past. From this area there is a good view along Pinnacle Ridge, and further west to the Holdsworth-Jumbo Ridge - the former was visible but the later was hidden in cloud resulting from the very strong northwest wind which was causing beech trees and the ground around them to heave up and down with the strong gusts. On reaching Pinnacle the ridge bears northwest and then north to bump 862m and then swings west to northwest to bump 846m. The ridge is very enjoyable tramping, descending through good bush on a well worn foot pad which for the most part is dry and soft underfoot.

We had decided to lunch at Atiwhakatu Stream, but in fact we sheltered under the swing bridge, out of the wind and the odd drop of moisture. The Atiwhakatu Valley track above Atiwhakatu Hut has been subjected to some active river erosion but it remains in good condition, though it is not the fastest travel. Below the hut the track is a bit of a highway as it is one of DoC’s frontline tracks. For Alan and Suzanne it was their first tramp in the eastern Tararuas, but judging by their enthusiasm not their last. On our arrival at Holdsworth we had time for a cup of tea with Chris and Di Peterson, who we were able to transport to Wellington.

Party members: Suzanne Aubrun, Michael Bartlett, Alan Sauran and Dave Reynolds

Party members were
Suzanne Aubrun, Michael Bartlett, Alan Sauran and Dave


Category: Day Tararua

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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