Phillips Stream Ridge MF
Wednesday 29th August
10 hearty and hardy souls set off for Phillips Stream ridge, with an easier option if the weather was as bad as forecast.
We met at Norbett Creek, puffed our way up, and then down the Yellow Brick Road to the Hutt Forks. No rain, so let us do the full monty. Over Phillips Stream and up the ridge, following a vague footpad.
Just before .790 we turned sharp right and down a spur to Phillips Stream, far further up, where it was a very pleasant trickle. From there up to .630 and along that confusing ridge between Dobson’s and Norbett track. Safely navigated, even if we lost some markers, or ageing eye sight was not up to it. Back down Norbett.
Time taken 8h 10. Variations on altitude and distance (15-20km, and 1200m vertical), but attitude great. Lunch tome rain, bush wet so coats on, but not too cold.
- 10 Party members
- Bob Stephens (leader and scribe).