
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2018-09-19-Baring Head And Pencarrow

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IMG_5814.jpg: 3264x2448, 1615k (2018 Oct 14 00:00)
Lake Kohangapiripiri outlet Jane M.jpg: 2064x1548, 1614k (2018 Oct 14 00:00)
Spot the dotterel Jane M.jpg: 1548x2064, 716k (2018 Oct 14 00:00)

Baring Head And Pencarrow

Wed 19th Sept 2018

14 members met at the East Harbour Regional Park car park near the south end of the Wainuiomata Coast Road. After walking up to the Baring Head lighthouse and buildings we headed north then north-east along farm tracks before dropping to the coastal track at Fitzroy Bay, where morning tea was taken. We then followed the coastal track , where we met Jane, who had cycled round from Burdans Gate.

After climbing above the west side of Lake Kohangatera the group descended beside the east side of Lake Kohangapiripiri to return to the coastal track. 4 members stopped at this point for lunch, before returning to the car park. The remaining 11 crossed the outlet of the lake and stopped for lunch below the hill containing the upper Pencarrow lighthouse.

After lunch we climbed to the lighthouse before retracing our route to the coastal track. When we reached Lake Kohangatera, Jane collected her bike left us to return to Burdans Gate. The remaining 10 trampers headed back to the southern part of Fitzroy Bay and the took the gravel road that led back to the cars.

The weather was absolutely stunning and magnificent views were obtained from various points along the way. 21.5 km, 6.5 hours.

Participants: Joan Basher, Linda Beckett, Tony Black, Bob Buckle, Carol Kelly, Doreen Launder, Jane-Pyar Mautner, Peter Morten, David Ogilvie, Lynne Pomare, Dave Reynolds, Bob Stephens, Suzanne Sutton-Cummings, Bill Wheeler, Warwick Wright (Leader)
14 Party members
Warwick Wright (leader and scribe).

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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