
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2023-10-21-Kaitoke

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 95, no 11, December 2023

Bushcraft 2023: Bush IV

Saturday 21 October

The club's Bushcraft 2023 course, co-ordinated by Leonore Hoke, proved to be a realistic manifestation of the influence inclement weather can have on any outdoor course. Unsafe river conditions and wet bush affected the dynamics of the course. During the Bush III practical weekend, I made an offer to accompany a follow-up day trip, initiated by participants, to reinforce the map interpretation and navigation concepts presented during the course. Peter took up that offer, and a few weeks after the course a small group experienced a fair-weather adventure, focused on the Dobson Loop Track. The first awareness lesson of the day for the group was to 'make no presumptions' about a dearth of travel opportunities in the public domain beyond trails marked on a NZtopo map / website.

The initial challenge was following previously well-utilised historic routes1. From the DoC Kaitoke carpark we went slightly N of E up a spur to the Puffer Ridge line; NNE to near point 529; then down a spur ESE [refer to tracks 1, 7, 9 on the accompanying map, from John Thomson's article Kaitoke Tracks2].

Once back on the main track at the bottom of the Puffer Saddle Track, we made our way to a sunny grassed clearing adjacent to Smith Creek Shelter for sustenance/energisers. During this rest, there was discussion about the variety of potential return routes. The decision was made to go up the spur that starts almost due north immediately behind the shelter (on the TL of Canyon Creek) and meets the Dobson Loop (DL) track a short distance NE of point 656. From there the party followed the DL track in a counterclockwise direction back to the carpark.

The trip took 7.5 hours and end-of-journey comments indicated that it had been a worthwhile exercise. Thanks to Peter for coordinating the day.

1. John Thomson & Colin Cook 2. John Thomson; 'Kaitoke Tracks'; Tararua Tramper, Vol 92, pp13-14.

Party members
Bill Allcock (scribe), Peter Burke (trip coordinator), Kath Close, Collette Mullin, Bryan Rawiri

Page last modified on 2023 Dec 16 23:22

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