4.0 International License.
- 2024-10-16-Mt Reeves Along tracks to Mt Reeves & Waiohine Gorge
- 2024-10-16-Akatarawa Forest Path Along forestry roads & gorge travel
- 2024-10-05-Banks Peninsular Along the Banks Peninsular Walkway
- 2024-10-02-Wellington Along tracks near the Skyline walkway
- 2024-10-02-Ruapehu Exploring around Waihohonu Hut
- 2024-09-29-Wellington Visiting streams in Wellington
- 2024-09-18-Zealandia Walking tracks in Zealandia
- 2024-09-11-Wellington Ascending peaks around northern Wellington
- 2024-09-04-Korimako Track A broken wrist on a Wednesday walk
- 2024-08-28-Ōrongorongo Clearing pampas and gorse
- 2024-08-01-Ōrongorongo A loop along Cattle Ridge and Ōrongorongo track
- 2024-07-17-Marchant A long day on Marchant, on & off-track
- 2024-07-17-Kapiti Along the Kāpiti coastline & Waikanae River
- 2024-07-10-Ruapehu Activities & snow fun at the lodge
- 2024-07-10-Percy Scenic Reserve Along tracks in reserves & Sugarloaf Lookout
- 2024-07-01-Timor A guided crossing of Timor-Leste
- 2024-06-29-East Harbour Regional Park Butterfly Creek & along the tops
- 2024-06-12-Whareroa In Whareroa & up to The Rocks
- 2024-06-12-Mangaone Off track travel from the Mangaone walkway
- 2024-06-08-Waerenga A weekend at Waerenga with good food
- 2024-06-05-Wainuiomata The Pack Track, Whakanui & Solomons Ridge
- 2024-06-05-Smith Creek Smith Creek Waterfall & later installing permolat markers
- 2024-06-04-Hawkws Bay Biking at Norsewood, Tukituki R, Taradale & Napier
- 2024-06-01-Mt Holdworth A night at Powel Hut & climb of Mt Holdsworth
- 2024-05-29-Zealandia 10km of Zealandia tracks
- 2024-05-25-Wellington Saunas & swimming in Princess Bay
- 2024-05-24-Kapiti Tracks & huts from Otaki Forks to Kapakapanui
- 2024-05-04-Boar Bush Gully A day of cutting gorse & cups of tea
- 2024-05-01-Wellington Hills & valleys & reserves in urban Wellington
- 2024-05-01-Farm Creek Up Farm Creek & down Shepperds Stream
- 2024-04-29-Milford-Kepler Two Great walks out of season.
- 2024-04-29-Mildford-Kepler Redirects to TripReports.2024-04-29-Milford-Kepler
- 2024-04-26-Ruahines Tricky river travel with waterfalls
- 2024-04-24-Totara Park Tracks & bush near Kaukau.
- 2024-04-17-Wharekauhau Demanding off-track travel to the tops
- 2024-04-15-Tararua Climbs & off-track & swims & games
- 2024-04-10-Tauwharenīkau Tracks & off-track near Dobsons, Pylon Road, & Puffer
- 2024-04-05-Ruapehu Off-track travel to Stanton Memorial.
- 2024-04-03-Kapiti Muaupoko Stream to Papakirae trig in tough terrain.
- 2024-03-20-Tararuas Up Reef Creek to Blue Range hut
- 2024-03-17-Lewis Pass-Nelson Lakes From Boyle River to Sabine River
- 2024-03-15-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing overnighting at Field & Alpha
- 2024-03-13-Plimmerton Wairaka Walkway around the coast plus an alternative detour
- 2024-03-13-Mathews South Saddle Up a spur and a siddle to South Saddle
- 2024-02-28-Tararua SAR search for a TTC member
- 2024-02-23-Ruapeu Redirects to TripReports.2024-02-23-Ruapehu
- 2024-02-23-Ruapehu Work party on lodge roof & windows
- 2024-02-18-Mt Victoria Walking Along the coast & tracks near Mt Victoria
- 2024-02-14-Remutaka A challenging climb of Kotumu in gale winds
- 2024-02-14-Akatarawa Forest Along roads and tracks around Titi
- 2024-02-10-Tauwharenīkau Gorge A river trip down the Tauwharenīkau Gorge
- 2024-02-06-Tauwharenīkau Some rough travel to Alloway Dixon Hut
- 2024-01-17-Ōrongorongo To Waerenga & Ōrongorongo swimming pool
- 2024-01-14-Belmont Regional Park A cloudy windy trip in Belmont Park
- 2024-0-0-Overseas Exploring & hiking in Timor
- 2023-12-00-Holdsworth Powell & Atiwhakatu Huts plus Mt Holdsworth
- 2023-11-29-Mt Lowry A climb of Mt Lowry
- 2023-11-28-Whakapapaiti Travel on the round the mountain track
- 2023-11-20-Hawke’s Bay Cycling on trails in Hawke’s Bay
- 2023-10-21-Kaitoke Bushcraft training near Puffer Ridge
- 2023-10-18-Johnston Hill Along the Skyline walkway
- 2023-10-11-Lake Hatuma Cycling at Lake Hatuma,Tikokina, & Patangata
- 2023-10-11-Farm Creek Exploring Farm Creek tributaries
- 2023-10-04-Neill Ridge Along Cone Ridge and Neill Ridge
- 2023-09-23-Konini Lodge Dawsons Falls & Kapuni Lodge from Konini Lodge
- 2023-09-20-Eastern Walkway Visiting Oruati Reserve & Pass of Branda
- 2023-09-16-Ruapehu Visiting Crater :Lake & climbing Paretetaitonga.
- 2023-09-08-Tongariro Climbing and exploring above South Crater.
- 2023-09-08-Hector Overnighting in Field and climbing Hector
- 2023-09-03-Ruapehu Alpine Instruction Weekend
- 2023-08-30-Hemi Metenga-Kaitawa Huia Street up to Field & Waikanae River
- 2023-08-30-Hemi Matenga Ridge Two groups meet with anzac biscuits
- 2023-08-30-Hemi Matenga Hadfield Rd over Hemi Matenga to Parata Track
- 2023-08-18-Paekakariki Escarpment South along the Escarpment Track.
- 2023-08-18-Mitre Flats A trip to Mitre Flats Hut and beyond
- 2023-08-05-Ruapehu A climb over the Dome to Summit Plateau
- 2023-07-26-Pukerua Bay A trip in Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay.
- 2023-07-19-Whareroa A circuit through Ramaroa Bush to Rocks lookout and Matai Bush
- 2023-07-15 Kime Hut Cleaning mould from walls of Kime
- 2023-07-12-Belmont Trig An unusual track to Belmont Trig
- 2023-07-05-Whakanui From Willis Grove to the McKerrow and Whakanui
- 2023-07-05-Pigeon Bush Rugged off track travel including Prince Stream.
- 2023-06-14-Butterfly Creek Korohiwa track to ButterflyCreek to Greenwood Park
- 2023-06-04-Miramar-Seatoun Paths & steps in Miramar & Seatoun
- 2023-05-31-Puketaha Up a Sinclair Creek spur to Puketaha
- 2023-05-24-Whakanui A circuit along the East Whakanui & Whakanui Tracks
- 2023-05-24-Brooklyn Wellington Walking on tracks in city reserves
- 2023-05-17-Mangaterere A loop to the tops on tracks in scrub & forest
- 2023-05-13-Waerenga Hut A High School trip to Waerenga Hut
- 2023-05-03-Tauwharenikau To Smith Creek for a game of cricket
- 2023-04-26-Ōtaki Fork A loop off-track & on tracks.
- 2023-04-26-Whitireia Walking around Whitireia Park
- 2023-04-15-Ruahine Visiting 3 Huts on the tops & in valleys
- 2023-04-12-Eastbourne Hills Up and down tracks in the Eastbourne Hills
- 2023-04-01-Mt Ruapehu Walks from the TTC lodge at Whakapapa
- 2023-04-01-Milford Track A guided great walk
- 2023-03-29-Pukeatua A day on the Te Araroa Trail.
- 2023-03-25-Remutaka Range Rough travel up to Kotumu & south along tops
- 2023-03-18-Nina River A stay at Nina Hut and visit to Devilskin Bivvy
- 2023-03-13-Hanmer Day walks & multiday trips from Hanmer
- 2023-03-05-Paekakariki Escarpment A sunny walk along the Escarpment track
- 2023-03-01-Wellington Botanic Gardens Lunch at the Botanic Gardens
- 2023-03-01-Eastern Hills Up & along Rata Ridge plus Lowry Lookout
- 2023-02-22-Ōtari-Skyline Tracks in Ōtari bush & up to Skyline
- 2023-02-19-Ōtari-Ngaio Along tracks in bush and Reserves
- 2023-02-17-Ruamahanga Tramping to Blue Range Hut & tubing the Ruamahanga
- 2023-02-08-Tawa Tracks & reserves near Tawa
- 2023-02-01-Te Puke Ariki Biking up & along walking & 4WD tracks
- 2023-01-25-Whanganui E-Biking around Foxton and Whanganui
- 2023-01-08-Percy Reserve Percy Reserve to Sugarloaf Rock to Ratanui
- 2023-01-04-Shormann A tops loop returning along Roaring Stag Track
- 2023-01-00-Ōrongorongo Travel up streams and spurs
- 2022-12-04-Wellington Along tracks in Wellington hills
- 2022-12-04-Blue Range A loop from Ruamahanga river to Blue Range Hut
- 2022-11-26-Smith Creek A long sidle above Smith Creek
- 2022-11-12-Tutuwai-Reeves A loop to overnight at Tutuwai Hut
- 2022-11-06-Tawa Botanising in Larsen Crescent Reserve & Redwood Bush
- 2022-11-06-Arete Forks A circuit over Blue Range & Table Ridge
- 2022-11-02-Queen Elizabeth Park Walking in Queen Elizabeth Park
- 2022-10-29-Aorangi Forest Park An Aorangi crossing in 2 days
- 2022-10-26-Skyline Walkway Along the Skyline walkway from Kaori to Ngaio
- 2022-10-26-Hawtrey Along tracks in the Eastbourne Hills
- 2022-10-26-Blackwater Stream-Waiopehu Track Up the Ohau River & Balckwater Stream
- 2022-10-21-Te Hekenga A Ruahine circuit from Mangahuia over Te Hekenga
- 2022-10-19-Kaitoke Up the ridge track & along a minor DOC track
- 2022-10-19-East Holdsworth Exploring the length of a small creek
- 2022-10-15-Mt Richmond Mt Richmond to Mt Fell to Middy Hut
- 2022-10-05-Hongoeka Bay Walking in wind & rain to Hongoeka Bay
- 2022-10-04-Parawai Lodge Grandparents & kids go to Parawai Lodge
- 2022-09-28-Waiotauru Forks Biking & walking to Waiotauru Forks to Pukeatua Track
- 2022-09-23-Tongariro Camping at Mangatepopo & visiting South Crater
- 2022-09-22-Paekākāriki Fine weather for the escarpment walk
- 2022-09-21-Maunganui Difficult offtrack travel to an aircraft crash site
- 2022-09-21-Baring Head A walk to Baring Head lighthouse and trig
- 2022-09-07-Pauatahanui Inlet Along the walkways beside the inlet.
- 2022-09-07-Kapakapanui To the summit of Kapapakapanui
- 2022-09-01-Hawkes Bay Cycling: Around Lake Hatuma, on cycle trails, & visiting towns
- 2022-08-31-Kaipaitangata Stream A waterfall Investigation plus some difficult vegetation
- 2022-08-24-Waikanae River Volume 94, no 9, October
- 2022-08-17-Mc Kerrow Up McKerrow Stream & down the Turere
- 2022-08-10-Zealandia Round the lake at Zealandia
- 2022-08-10-Paraparaumu Off track travel along traplines, ridges, & streams
- 2022-08-06-Waerenga To Waerenga Hut & a difficult river crossing
- 2022-08-04-Rata Ridge From Wainuiomata, Konini Ridge, Main Ridge track to Rata Ridge
- 2022-08-03-Turere Stream Off track travel in streams and up spurs
- 2022-08-00-Eastern Walkway Along the Eastern Walkway
- 2022-07-30-Baring Head Planting 275 plants in rainy weather
- 2022-07-24-Wellington Discoveing paths and reserves in Wellington
- 2022-07-23-South Saddle-Mathews Three Saturday trips in the Wellington region
- 2022-07-20-Kapiti Coast Coastal walking and tracks
- 2022-07-12-Sunrise Hut Cold wet weather for hardy grandkids
- 2022-06-29-Smith Creek On-track & off-track tops & streams
- 2022-06-26-Wellington Tracks & reserves in northern Wellington suburbs
- 2022-06-22-Maunganui A trip to view a 1941 aircraft crash
- 2022-06-01-Aorangi A 3 day Aorangi crossing in winter
- 2022-05-28-Mangahao From Mangahao to Burn Hut for a night, out via College Creek
- 2022-05-25-Mangaone Walkway-Waikanae River Walkway, tops & stream travel, & supplejack.
- 2022-05-22-Wellington City to Sea Walkway
- 2022-05-15-Apiti-Pohangina Cycling Apiti Ridge to Makoura to Pohangina
- 2022-05-04-Korokoro Along minor tracks near Korokoro & Galbraiths Gully
- 2022-04-27-Whakanui Creek On and off track to Whakanui Creek and return
- 2022-04-27-Rangiwahia Hut Into Rangiwahia Hut then some tops travel
- 2022-04-24-Escarpment Track Sunny weather for walking the Escarpment
- 2022-04-22-Maungahuka Stream River, ridge and tops travel and hut stays
- 2022-04-15-Sheridan Creek-Field Track From Otaki Forks, up Sheridan Creek to Field Track
- 2022-04-15-Mid King-Mitre Along the tops - Mid King to Mitre
- 2022-04-10-Miramar Peninsular Seatoun to Miramar to Evans Bay to Mt Victoria
- 2022-04-09-Waeranga Hut An overnight stay in Waeranga hut
- 2022-04-00-Mc Gregor Falls Difficult travel near the McGregor Falls
- 2022-03-30-Papatahi Two parties crossing over Papatahi in opposite directions.
- 2022-03-28-Neill-Winchcombe A loop over Bull Mound, Alpha, Neill & Cone
- 2022-03-19-Mount Climie Volume 94, no 4, May
- 2022-03-13-Wellington A walk to local steams and historic places
- 2022-03-12-Hinakitaka-Mt Mathews Up Hinakitaka Stream to Mt Mathews & down Corner Creek
- 2022-03-09-Rata Ridge A trip to the orchids on Rata Ridge
- 2022-03-09-Eastbourne Hills From Muritai to Hawtrey to Butterfly Creek
- 2022-03-05-Mick Track A visit to aircraft crash weckage
- 2022-03-03-Southern Ruahines Along ridges and into valleys with river travel
- 2022-03-02-Turere Valley From McKerrow Track across the Turere Valley
- 2022-03-02-Cannon Point A loop over Cannon Point and Harcourt Park
- 2022-02-26-Whakatikei River A river gorge trip
- 2022-02-23-Quoin Ridge Up the Hutt River, Quoin Ridge, & down to E Hutt R
- 2022-02-23-Makahika A loop to the tops and over Marquee
- 2022-02-22-Te Araroa Trail-Tararua Along a three day section of the Te Araroa Trail
- 2022-02-16-Pigeon Bush Up to & along the ridge to Thomson Track and Prince Stream
- 2022-02-16-Boulder Hill Up Boulder Hill in Belmont Regional Park.
- 2022-02-09-Sinclair Head Biking and tramping including a steep climb
- 2022-02-09-Big Huia Creek Rough travel along ridges and in Huia creek
- 2022-02-07-Whareroa Farm From the Lookout to Mamaku Valley and the Dell.
- 2022-02-01-Baldy-Mc Gregor A loop over Baldy and McGregor to Jumbo
- 2022-01-26-Whitireia Peninsula On tracks around Whitirea, Titahi Bay, & Pikarere Farm.
- 2022-01-26-Mathews Up a rib to the ridge-top track
- 2022-01-26-Battle Hill Camping at Battle Hill and walks
- 2022-01-19-Papatahi A loop from Papatahi along the tricky ridge
- 2022-01-16-Southern Walkway Fine views from tracks of the Southern Walkway
- 2022-01-14-Dorset Ridge-Carkeek Ridge To Dorset Ridge Hut & Park Forks to Jumbo
- 2022-01-12-Pyramid Knob Over various bumps to Pyramid Knob
- 2022-01-10-Mt Kaukau Multiple climbs of Mt Kaukau
- 2022-01-05-Percy Reserve Along tracks in & around Percy Reserve
- 2021-12-30-Oriwa-Ōtaki River A large loop on tops and in valleys of the Tararuas
- 2021-12-08-Kaitoke-Quoin Ridge Quoin Ridge to Hutt Forks
- 2021-12-01-Johnston Hill Heke Reserve to Johnston Hill
- 2021-11-24-Te Kopahou Reserve Up to the Radar Dome and out to Red Rocks
- 2021-11-23-South King-Mitre Flats A loop over McGregor and South King to Mitre Flats
- 2021-11-19-Waerenga Hut A weekend working party
- 2021-11-17-Gollans Stream Up Kereru Track and Into Gollans Stream
- 2021-11-10-Ōrongorongo Peak A loop from the Ōrongorongo River over the peak
- 2021-10-20-Pencarrow Cycling and hiking to Baring Head
- 2021-10-17-Waimapihi Reserve Botanising along the Highbury Fling & Transient Tracks
- 2021-10-03-Whareroa Farm Climbing the tracks of Whareroa Farm
- 2021-10-01-Powell Hut Up to Powell Hut & a warm fire
- 2021-10-01-Field Hut Pen Creek Track to Tirotiro Knob to Fields Hut
- 2021-09-29-Wellington Skyline Along the Welligton Skyline Walkway
- 2021-09-29-Eastbourne Hills Walking tracks near & along the main ridge & Golon Stream.
- 2021-09-29-Butterfly Creek From Eastbourne to Butterfly Creek
- 2021-09-29-Aorangi From Waikuku Lodge along the Aorangi Ridge to Mt Ross
- 2021-09-24-Tapokopoko A loop over Tapokopoko starting at Catchpole Stream car park
- 2021-09-22-Te Whiti A walk from Epuni to Waterloo via Te Whiti
- 2021-09-08-Bothamley Park-Waihora Track Six masked persons in Bothamley Park & Waihora track
- 2021-08-04-Akatarawa Forest A tricky navigational loop through Akatarawa Forest
- 2021-07-21-East Whakanui Monitoring trap lines.
- 2021-07-13-Mt Ruapehu A 3-day stay in the TTC Lodge with grandparents & kids
- 2021-07-11-Highbury-Karori On tracks and thru reserves of west Wellington.
- 2021-07-02-Waitewaewae An overnight stay at Island Forks Hut
- 2021-07-01-Cattle Ridge Up and down spurs of Cattle Ridge
- 2021-06-23-Belmont Regional Park A trip to Belmont Trig.
- 2021-06-09-Mt Lowry-Butterfly Creek Along the tops from Pt Howard to Butterfly Creek to Bus Barnes
- 2021-06-09-Dobson Loop Track A loop beside Shepperds Stream and Fell Creek
- 2021-06-06-Te Whiti Riser-Mt Lowry Along tracks in the Eastern Hills to Days Bay
- 2021-06-02-Wellington Southern Walkway Tracks to Mt Victoria, Hataitai, & Greta Point
- 2021-05-26-Summit Road Naenae A loop to the tops of the Eastern Hutt Hills
- 2021-05-26-Kaitapu Steam-Waitotara Overnight stays at two bush huts
- 2021-05-19-Seatoun-Tarakena Bay A coastal walk near Breaker Bay
- 2021-05-19-Percy Reserve From Percy reserve to Sugarloaf Rock to Galbraith Gully
- 2021-05-05-Titahi Bay A coastal walk from Titahi Bay to Little Titahi Bay
- 2021-04-28-Ōrongorongo River Valley A trip to Waerenga for grandkids
- 2021-04-28 A TTC work party clearing riverbed gorse
- 2021-04-21-Mt Mathews A climb of Mt Mathews via north saddle & Knife Edge.
- 2021-04-10-Ōrongorongo Valley An overnight school trip to Papatahi Hut
- 2021-04-07-Square Knob A new route to Square Knob
- 2021-04-07-Mt Kaukau Johnsonville to Kaukau & back via multiple tracks.
- 2021-04-01-Kaitoke Information about Kaitoke Tracks
- 2021-03-20-Mt Richmond A climb of Mt Richmond and exploring a plane wreck
- 2021-03-14-Pohill Reserve-Highbury A walk through reserves in Brooklyn & Highbury
- 2021-03-06-Arthurs Pass A 2 week club meet at Arthurs Pass
- 2021-03-03-Paekākāriki Hill Up Fly-by-Wire gully to the tops & along & down.
- 2021-02-24-Deep Creek-Waiohine A climb of Waiohine via an indistinct route
- 2021-02-23-Mathews A rugged ascent to the NE Ridge
- 2021-02-21-Mt Crawford-Maupuia A walk on the Miramar Peninsular
- 2021-02-20-Holdsworth A fine but windy Jumbo-Holdsworth crossing
- 2021-02-17-Butterfly Creek-Hawtrey Days Bay to Butterfly Creek and Hawtrey
- 2021-02-05-Renata From Cone hut to Alpha Hut to Renata Hut
- 2021-02-03-Pigeon Bush Along Thompson tk to Chandler tk in Pigeon Bush
- 2021-02-03-Mick From Waitohu to Mick & along ridges
- 2021-02-03-Churchill Reserve Through reserves, up Kaiwharawhara Stream & tunnels
- 2021-01-31-Block XVI Track Marchant ridge to Tauherenikau River & up Smith Creek
- 2021-01-25-Mathews West Rib From Ocean beach to Mathews & down the South Ridge
- 2021-01-20-Mathews East Ridge From Corner Creek up to Mathews East Ridge
- 2021-01-13-Mathews An tricky exposed Knife Edge and ridge
- 2021-01-10-Dagg A tops & river valley circuit plus a sidetrip to Dagg
- 2021-01-08-Triangle Spur-Mt Dundas Up the Mangahao to a circuit over Dundas, Logan & Pukemoremore
- 2021-01-04-Sawtooth Ridge Ruahines A traverse along the Ruahine tops
- 2021-0-13-Eastbourne Hills Up Cheviot Track to Mt Lowry to Lees Grove
- 2020-12-19-Raukawa Hut-Waerenga Hut Two families visit the Ōrongorongo River Valley
- 2020-12-02-Raumati Escarpment Along the Raumati Escarpment track.
- 2020-11-29-Burrows Avenue Reserve A botanising trip to Burrows Avenue Reserve
- 2020-11-11-Raroa Reserve Tau Tapu Track then through Carrad's Farm to Hidden Valley Track
- 2020-11-04-Spicer Valley Up Spicer Valley and Forest & back on the Seven Pines Track
- 2020-10-28-Mt Climie Off track to Mt Climie &back on the 4WD track.
- 2020-10-24-Mathews East Ridge Up Mathews East Ridge returning down Corner Creek
- 2020-10-14 Sayer Hut A trip over Waiohine to Sayers Hut
- 2020-10-14-Khandallah Exporing around Khandallah
- 2020-10-13-Tongariro Northern Circuit A 3 day Tongariro Northern Circuit from Whakapapa Village
- 2020-10-07-Kaiwharawhara Stream Crossing the new Kaiwharawhara bridge
- 2020-09-28-Ōrongorongo River A family trip to Turere Lodge
- 2020-09-23-Remutaka A walk along bushy tops in high winds
- 2020-09-20-Toka Biv Over Toka Trig to Toka Biv for a night
- 2020-09-19-Tongariro National Park Recent Wellington High School trips
- 2020-09-16-Pukerua Bay-Karehana Bay Hidden Valley track to Taua Taua Track to Karehana Bay
- 2020-09-12-Wellington A practical First Aid Instruction Course
- 2020-09-09-Remutaka Trig Along the trig track, then bushy travel & logging tracks
- 2020-09-06-Mt Lowry-Hawtrey A damp tramp along the Eastbourne tops
- 2020-09-04-North Saddle To North Saddle and along ridges
- 2020-08-26-Bothamley Park A pickup of rubbish in and near KenepuruStream
- 2020-08-23-Gollans Stream From Kereru Track to Golands Stream to Korimako Track
- 2020-08-19-South Miramar Tracks and hills near Worser Bay and Miramar
- 2020-07-Rwenzori Mountains Uganda A trek from rainforest to glaciers in Uganda
- 2020-07-26-Paekākāriki Escarpment Along the Escarpment from Paekākāriki to Pukerua Bay
- 2020-07-15-Smith Creek Up a new spur route to Smith Creek & back to Kiwi Ranch
- 2020-07-12-Ōtari-Botanic Garden A walk through reserves of Wellington
- 2020-07-03-Powell Hut Track Up through snow to Powell Hut
- 2020-07-01-Tinakori Hill-Skyline Walkway A loop on hilly walking tracks in Western Wellington
- 2020-07-01-Khandallah A lunch trip
- 2020-07-00-Te Araroa Escarpment Escarpment trips in 2008 and 2020
- 2020-06-13-Waerenga Hut An overnight trip to Waerenga Hut
- 2020-06-10-Gollans Stream A trip to Lowry Trig, valley floor and return
- 2020-06-00-Waiho Along the Roberts Point Track to view the Franz Joseph Glacier
- 2020-06-00-Mathews South Ridge Past trips on the South Ridge
- 2020-06-00-Botanic Garden-Otari A route guide for walking from Botanic Garden to Otari
- 2020-05-30-Mt Travers Up Summit Creek & onto & up Mt Travers
- 2020-05-17-Mt Maunganui From the Maungatukutuku Valley to Mt Maunganui
- 2020-05-16-The Camelbacks A loop up Waiti Sream to Pyramid Knob and Square Knob
- 2020-04-00-Lockett Range A day walk to Iron Hill from Sylvester Hut
- 2020-04-00-Heke Reserve-Huntleigh Park-Orleans Makererua Reserve Walks through reserves & parks near Ngaio, Wellington.
- 2020-03-22-Eastbourne Hills Botanising in forest above Lowry Bay
- 2020-03-20-Kaikoura-Hapuku Hut A walk to Hapuku Hut & next day the Kaikoura Peninsula.
- 2020-03-08-Odell Reserve-Trelissick Park Through reserves of Khandallah, Ngaio, & Wadestown
- 2020-03-07-Wellington Skyline-Red Rocks From Johnsonville along the tops to Red Rocks
- 2020-03-07-Bendigo Exploring the Bendigo Goldfields
- 2020-03-06-Diamond Lake A walk up the Diamond Lake track
- 2020-03-04-Whareroa Farm Catchment View Track to Campbell’s Mill Road & onto Hydro Road.
- 2020-03-03-Roys Peak A climb of Roys Peak, Wanaka
- 2020-03-00-Mt Arthur Up Mt Arthur from Salisbury Lodge & onto Balloon Hut
- 2020-03-00-Mavora Lakes A tramp up to & along the Thomson Range
- 2020-02-29-Holdsworth Creek Up Holdsworth Creek to McGregor Falls
- 2020-02-29-Bawbaw Up Burings Stream to Mount Bawbaw
- 2020-02-15-Mount Mathews Up South Ridge to Mt Mathews returning down Corner Creek
- 2020-02-00-Paparoas A tramp on the new Paparoa Track
- 2020-02-00-Mt Somers A climb of Mt Somers on a fine day
- 2020-01-29-Mc Kerrow Track Browns track to Cattle Ridge and McKerrow Track
- 2020-01-21-South Ōhau-Gable End Ridge South Ōhau to Gable End Ridge
- 2020-01-20-Park South Ohau to Nichols Hut to Park Forks to Te Matawai
- 2020-01-09-Snowy River Up Snowy River to Tregear spur and Kime
- 2020-01-08 Reeves Tough travel to Taits Stream & Reeves
- 2020-01-08-Butterfly Creek-Hawtrey Kereru track to Butterfly Creek and back over Hawtrey
- 2020-01-05-Waiotauru Forks Up the track to Waiotauru Forks & back down the river.
- 2019-12-31-Siberia-Young From Siberia over Gillespie Pass & down the Young
- 2019-12-18-Thompson A ridge trail to Thompson & South Manakau Road
- 2019-12-14-Waikanae River Tricky travel up tributaries of the Waikanae River
- 2019-12-07-Waerenga Hut A meeting of the General Committee at Wearenga Hut
- 2019-11-30-Margaret Burn Across the Dart & up the Margaret Burn
- 2019-11-29-Kareti-Ruapae Trips to Kareti, Ruapae, & Herepai track
- 2019-11-23-Waerenga Hut A weekend trip to Waerenga Hut
- 2019-11-10-Trelissick Park A wet walk through reserves & streets of western Wellington
- 2019-11-06 Up Wharekauhau Stream to Bump 819
- 2019-10-30-Hinakitaka Stream-Mt Mathews Up Hinakitaka Stream to Mathews & back via Corner Creek
- 2019-10-26 Stanton Memorial Stanton Memorial from Tararua lodge
- 2019-10-18-South Saddle-Mathews Trips to South Saddle & Mathews
- 2019-10-17-Penn Creek Difficult travel up Penn Creek to Penn Creek Hut
- 2019-09-18-Mt Maunganui Up to Mt Maunganui & along the ridges to Cleartop & down
- 2019-09-03-Ruapehu Pinacles An alpine traverse of the Pinacles
- 2019-08-14-Karori Cemetery A ramble through the Karori Cemetery
- 2019-08-07-Tirotiro Knob Up the disused Penn Creek track, then to Tirotiro Knob
- 2019-08-04-East Harbour Park Monitoring trap lines near Mt Hawtrey
- 2019-07-24-Wellington A walking tour of Art Galleries
- 2019-07-11-Welcome Flats Warden duties & walks at Welcome Flats Hut.
- 2019-07-10-Porirua Harbour Wednesday walkers' annual beach cleanup
- 2019-06-26-Pinnacle A loop along Atiwhakatu & Pinnacle Ridge
- 2019-06-22-Ruapehu A mid-winter weekend at the Tararua Lodge
- 2019-06-15-Tutuwai Hut A loop from Waihine Valley passing Cone & Tutuwai Huts, & Mt Reeves
- 2019-05-29-South Saddle A trip along a new track from South Saddle.
- 2019-05-17-Hector-Renata Ridge A loop from Kime to Renata & past Waiotauru huts
- 2019-05-11-Pinnacle Ridge A weekent trip to Jumbo returning via Pinnacle Ridge
- 2019-04-28-Otari-Wiltons Bush A day of botanising at Otari-Wilton's Bush
- 2019-04-17-Tarn Ridge Hut To Tarn Ridge Hut in the April School Holidays
- 2019-04-06-Waiopehu Hut A Wellington High School tramping club trip to Waiopehu Hut
- 2019-04-05-Sunrise Hut A tramp up to Sunrise Hut
- 2019-03-30-Rimutaka Incline-Corner Creek A loop over the Rimutaka Incline down the Wairarapa to the coast & Hutt Valley
- 2019-03-30-Kaiparoro-Makakahi River Up a ridge to the Kaiparoro Track and Kaiparoro summit
- 2019-03-17-Perkins Farm A trip through Perkins Farm and surounds
- 2019-03-13-Eastern Hutt Gorge A day trip up the Eastern Hutt Gorge
- 2019-03-06-Otaki Gorge Investigation of routes up the Otaki Gorge
- 2019-03-05-Waiohine Gorge A Waiohine Gorge trip on tubes.
- 2019-02-27-Penn Creek A difficult route to Penn Creek then Table Top
- 2019-02-26-Cow Saddle Up the Ruamahanga, over Cow Saddle & along Blue Range
- 2019-02-23-Corner Creek Difficult travel up Corner Creek to Mt Mathews
- 2019-02-13-Prout Stream A trip to upper Prout Stream
- 2019-02-13-Atiwhakatu Stream A 12 hour day over Baldy & Broken Axe Pinnacles
- 2019-02-12-Otaki Gorge A tubing trip dwn the Otaki Gorge
- 2019-02-09-Waitewaewae-Prout Stream Over Waitewaewae to Prout Stream & to Island Forks Hut
- 2019-02-07-Quoin Ridge Up Quoin Ridge to Alpha Hut, returning on the Marchant
- 2019-02-01-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing: Otaki Forks, Kime Hut, Tutuwai Hut, Reeves, Woodside Station
- 2019-01-30-Graces Stream A hot day trip up Graces Stream
- 2019-01-16-Neill Winchcombe A long day from Otaki Forks over Winchcombe to Walls Whare
- 2019-01-03-Waiohine From Te Matawai, down the Waiohine River then up Carkeek Ridge
- 2018-12-27-Temple-Huxley-circuit Five day circuit Temple Stream, Huxley and Hopkins river with alpine crossing of the Barrier Range
- 2018-12-19-Waiorongomai A trip to tops above the Waiorongomai River
- 2018-11-16-Angle Knob Hut A visit to Angle Knob Hut then down the Atiwhakatu
- 2018-11-14-Pukeatua A trip from South Mangaone Road to Pukeatua summit
- 2018-11-10-Wairere Stream Ski touring from near the Pinnacles to Wairere Stream
- 2018-11-10-Cow Creek Hut A trip to Cow Creek Hut in rainy misty conditions
- 2018-11-07-Waiohine Peak Along the tops from Mt Dick Lookout to Waiohine
- 2018-11-02-Spooners Hut A night at Jumbo Hut then onto the old Spooner's Hut site
- 2018-10-31-Tangata Stream On & off track circuit around the Tangata Stream catchment
- 2018-10-07-Mc Gregor Biv-Dorset Hut-North King A circuit from The Pines to Dorset Creek, North King & Mitre Flats
- 2018-09-26-Te Au Track-Field Up to & along the ridge above Waikanae to the Lodestar crash site
- 2018-09-23-Mc Kerrow EM Orongorongo, McKerrow, Clay Ridge EM
- 2018-09-22nd-23rd-Kiwi Ranch-Tutuwai Tutuwai from Kiwi Ranch
- 2018-09-21th-23th-Post-AIC Taranaki Post-AIC trip up Mt. Taranaki
- 2018-09-19-Pukeatua Track Travel up and down spurs adjacent to the Pukeatua Track.
- 2018-09-19-Pukeatua MF Pukeatua Track on Waikanae side MF
- 2018-09-19-Northland To Brooklyn Northland to Brooklyn
- 2018-09-19-East Harbour Regional Park EM trip in East Harbour Regional Park
- 2018-09-19-Baring Head And Pencarrow M trip to Baring Head etc
- 2018-09-16-Raumati Escarpment Raumati Escarpment, Mataihuka
- 2018-09-15th-16th-Girdlestone Ruapehu Post-AIC trip
- 2018-09-15-Tapokopoko-The Peak Up Paua Ridge to Tapokopoko & The Peak & down Peak Stream Spur
- 2018-09-15-Remutaka Ridge Tapokopoko - The Peak
- 2018-09-12-Pigeon Bush Working Party Work on the tracks the TTC have cut over the years in Pigeon Bush
- 2018-09-12-Lunch Lunch meeting
- 2018-09-12-Keith George Memorial Park Walking the length of the park through bush and back again
- 2018-09-09-Hawkins Hill To Sinclair Head Etc EM trip to Hawkins Hills and out to WW2 Bunkers at Sinclair Head
- 2018-09-08-Mt Frith Kiwi Ranch to Mt. Frith
- 2018-09-05-Thorndon Old Heritage Walk Around and above Thorndon with Lynne Pomare
- 2018-09-02-Griffins Firebreak-Kaitawa Rd Track York Bay Tracks above York Bay
- 2018-09-01-Mt Reeves Circuit Mt. Reeves and .682
- 2018-09-01-Lupton Hut Mt Ruapehu Lupton Hut
- 2018-08-31-Tongariro Crossing A winter Tongaririo Crossing with nights at Mangatepopo Hut.
- 2018-08-29-Phillips Stream Ridge MF Norbett Creek - Hutt Forks - Phillips Stream - .630 and return
- 2018-08-29-Belmont Regional Park Korokoro Dam etc
- 2018-08-22-Inner Porirua Harbour Beach rubbish cleanup at Porirua Harbour.
- 2018-08-03-Three Kings-Baldy A trip over the Kings and Baldy in drizzle and mist
- 2018-07-25-Tauherenikau-Dobsons A loop walk to the Tauherenikau & up a little-used spur to Dobsons
- 2018-06-27-Whakanui-Cattle Ridge Day trips with off-track travel
- 2018-06-01-Ruapehu Challenging day trips from the TTC lodge, Whakapapa
- 2018-05-26-Waiopehu Hut A muddy loop up Waiopehu Track & down Gable End Ridge.
- 2018-05-06-Corfu Europe A 6 day hike along a mountainous trail.
- 2018-05-00-Isabelle-High Ridge Difficult travel in Creeks & windy High Ridge
- 2018-03-28-Mangatarere A trip along farm tracks and through forest on Duntulm farm
- 2018-03-11-Wellington Town Belt Travels through Wellington streets and Town Belt
- 2018-03-10-Lake Angelus Volunteer hut warden at Lake Angelus
- 2018-03-07-Bothamely Park-Ascot Park Trips in the vicinity of Bothamley and Ascot Parks
- 2018-03-03-Oreore Stream Climbing up beside the Oreore Stream to view waterfalls.
- 2018-02-28-Mangahoe-Taramea Ridge A loop from Mangahao 2 Dam up Macs Track & past Burn Hut
- 2018-02-28-Centennial Reserve-Seatoun A trip on hilly tracks of South Wellington
- 2018-02-23-Middle Spur-Hector Forks A difficult circuit along ridges and flooded rivers
- 2018-02-07-Totara Creek Spur Over Gentle Annie & up Totara Creek Spur to Holdsworth Track
- 2018-02-00-Kaiwharawhara Stream Along tunnels under Ian Galloway Park
- 2018-01-31-Atiwhakatu Watercourse To Jumbo then off-track down the Atiwhakatu watercourse
- 2018-01-28-Pinnacle-Donnelly Flat A loop over Pinnacle and nearby knobs
- 2018-01-27-Isabelle Creek Tough travel around High Ridge & Isabelle Creek
- 2018-01-24-Miri Hut Up Loop Road to Miro Hut returning on Scrub Hill Road
- 2018-01-21-Khandallah Park A botanising on the Northern Walkway
- 2018-01-20-Ohau-Mangahao A 3 day trip up the Ohau to Te Matawai & Mangahao
- 2018-01-17-Mukamukaiti To the top of Mukamukaiti Stream & down Tapokopoko and Paua Ridge
- 2018-01-13-East Holdsworth Off-track travel from Atiwhakatu Track to near Mt Holdsworth
- 2018-01-10-Tauherenikau Gorge A cold gorge trip down the flooding Tauherenikau river.
- 2018-00-00-Waiopehu Misty walk to Waiopehu hut & clear for the return
- 2018-00-00-Tongariro Snowy ciruit with stays in 3 huts
- 2018-00-00-Eastern Haurangis A fast trip up streams & over tops & Mt Barton
- 2017-12-16-Mangaone-Pukeatea From South Mangone up the Pukeatea track & returning down spurs
- 2017-12-06-South Saddle A hot steep climb up Goat Stream Spur to South Saddle.
- 2017-12-02-Mc Gregor Falls Off-track routes to view McGregor Falls
- 2017-11-29-Kapakapanui A round trip over Kapakapanui
- 2017-11-24-Ruamahanga Gorge A circuit from Cattle Ridge & back down the Ruamahanga Gorge
- 2017-11-19-Mana-Pauatahanui A trip along the Pāuatahanui Inlet northern shore
- 2017-11-15-Bull Hill Northern Haurangis A trip through Blue Creek Station to Bull Hill
- 2017-11-11-Belmont Regional Park A mountain bike trip along tracks in the Belmont Regional Park
- 2017-11-08-Matthews An attempt at the Grand Traverse of Mathews.
- 2017-11-01-East Holdsworth A trip up East Holdswoth Track to misty tops.
- 2017-10-25-Wootton Stream A circuit to Tapokopoko through some rugged bush country
- 2017-10-25-Kotumu A trip up steep difficult terrain to Kotumu summit
- 2017-10-19-Trip Location
- 2017-10-19-Mt-Tapuaenuku
- 2017-10-15-Renata Hut A visit to Renata Hut (which needs maintenance)
- 2017-10-13-Mt Hopeless A weekend climb of Mt Hopeless
- 2017-10-04-Waiotauru-Pukeatua A loop via spurs from the Waiotauru Track to the Pukeatua Track.
- 2017-10-04-Mangaone A loop ridge walk west of the Mangaone Walkway
- 2017-09-09-Tutuwai Hut A cold rainy weekend in the Tauherenikau Valley
- 2017-09-06-Scholes Creek-Turere Valley A trip to investigate waterfalls and side streams.
- 2017-07-28-Temple Basin A weekend of Avalanche Awareness instruction
- 2017-07-22-Wellington (:Summary: The City-to Sea walkway in a stiff southerly
- 2017-07-19-Whakanui Creek Two trips to locate a particular waterfall
- 2017-07-12-Karori Park Lunch at Karori Park Cafe
- 2017-06-17-Alaska-Yukon A tramp on the famous Chilkoot Trail.
- 2017-06-16-Whakapapa A weekend of snowcraft instruction based at the TTC lodge.
- 2017-06-14-Turere Stream A new Turere crossing between the McKerrow and Whakanui tracks
- 2017-06-02-St Arnard Day trips in Nelson Lakes National Park
- 2017-05-20-Blue Range-Blake-Bruce Hill An off-track loop from Kiriwhakapapa to Blake and Bruce Hill
- 2017-05-17-Cone Hut-Block XIX A loop to Cone Hut, up Block XIX, returning along the Waiohine River
- 2017-04-19-Rimutaka A round trip up the Orongorongo river & back along the Rimutaka tops via The Peak
- 2017-04-14-Sawtooth Ridge-Howletts Hut Flooded rivers, steep ridges & bad weather
- 2017-04-11-Huntleigh Park A botanising trip in diverse native forest.
- 2017-04-01-Ruapae Falls From Herepai Track to Mangatainoka River & Ruapae Falls.
- 2017-03-29-Tauherenikau A circuit crossing the Tauherenikau river, up to the peak, & return
- 2017-03-12-Wellington Along Wellington paths including the City to Sea Walkway
- 2017-03-08-Rae Ridge Up Rae Ridge to Fields track & back to Otaki Forks.
- 2017-03-01-Norbert Creek-Marchant Ridge A trip from Norbert Creek to Marchant Ridge to Kiwi Ranch
- 2017-02-15-Mt Wainui A climb of Mt Wainui
- 2017-02-10-Takapari Track A bike trip up the Takapari Track in the Ruahines.
- 2017-02-04-Tauherenikau A river & gorge trip up the upper Tauherenikau
- 2017-02-04-Ngamoko Hut To the tops of the Ngamoko Range in high winds, & onto Ngamoko Hut
- 2017-01-28-Ryan Creek-Wharepapa Hut Investigating the Lost Lakes feeding Ryan Creek.
- 2017-01-21-Kawakawa Bay 3 days of rock climbing at Kawakawa Bay
- 2017-01-17-Graces Stream A trip up Grace's Stream, up a ridge & back along Clay ridge
- 2016-12-17-East Harbour Regional Park From Whiorau Grove to the Ridge Track, Pukeatua footbridge, Kōnini Saddle Track, & Whites Line East,
- 2016-12-07-Papatahi A search for the Lost Lake, about 1km NNE of Papatahi
- 2016-12-02-Whangaehu Glacier Ski-touring on Whangaehu and Whakapapa Glaciers
- 2016-11-23-Marchant Ridge-Tauherenikau River A round trip from Dobsons, Marchant, down a spur to Smith Creek & Puffer Saddle.
- 2016-11-09-Totara Creek-High Ridge A day loop from Totara Creek to High Ridge, Powell Hut and Mountain House.
- 2016-11-09-Belmont Hills A large loop in the Belmont Hills from Cornish Street.
- 2016-11-02-Waiorongamai 27 river crossings to get to the Waiorongomai Hut.
- 2016-10-26-Mitre Flats Into Mitre Flat Hut via Blue Range, returning along Barra Track.
- 2016-10-22-Waiohine River-Jacs Biv From McGreggor Biv down the Waiohine with a night in Jacs Biv.
- 2016-10-21-Taupō Biking the Great Lake Trail, Lakeside Cycleway to Huka Falls, and Tongariro River Trail
- 2016-09-21-Waiotauru-Pukeatua Brief trip summary hereA loop up the Waiotauru Track, & back on the Pukeatua and Fenceline tracks
- 2016-09-10-Mt Reeves-Taits Stream A round trip along ridges plus a side-trip to bump 468 in bad weather.
- 2016-08-21-Mc Kerrow-Whakanui A loop leading to the McKerrow Track, & onto the upper Turere, & Whakanui track.
- 2016-08-13-Penn Creek A snowy trip to Penn Creek hut and a crowded night there.
- 2016-08-10-Baring Head Removal of the noxious weed "Yellow Horned Poppy" from Baring Head.
- 2016-07-27-Paraparumu-Maungatuktuku A trip along spurs ,along streams, and some bush bashing.
- 2016-07-20-Arcus Dam Two trips to Arcus Dam and bushy spurs nearby.
- 2016-07-06-Rimutakla A cycle ride from Maymorn to Featherston via the Rimutaka Incline.
- 2016-07-06-Battle Hill-Puketiro Loop A trip on tops and in bush and pine forest.
- 2016-07-03-Browns Stream A day trip on Jans Track to the main range.
- 2016-06-21-Parkway-Mahina Bay A traverse of the northern bush block of East Harbour Regional Parks
- 2016-06-15-Whakanui A trip to the Whakanui Waterfall
- 2016-05-21-Camp Wainui A weekend First Aid course.
- 2016-04-20-Grand Canyon Hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and camping.
- 2016-04-17-Trip Location Waiohine Road end, up Makaka Stream & a nameless spur to Cone Mound, down to Cone Saddle and out
- 2016-04-07-Norbett Creek A day walk in fine weather through bush with varied terrain
- 2016-03-30-Mc Kerrow Stream A walk up the rough McKerrow stream, sidling around pools & waterfalls
- 2016-03-25-Spenser Mountains Three Tarn Pass, Camera Gully & climbs of Gloriana & Faerie Queene
- 2016-03-25-Bay Of Islands Six days of walks and trips from a base in Paihia
- 2016-03-17-Waiorongomai Up the Waiorongomai & Oreore then to the tops in rain.
- 2016-03-13-Tapokopoko A day trip to the tops of the Ōrongorongo.
- 2016-03-09-Pinnacle Stream A round trip up Pinnacle Stream & back via ridge & track
- 2016-03-02-Conical Knob-Kareti Up from Putara Road & southwards along the tops & back
- 2016-02-21-Wellington Town Belt Walking in the Town Belt and Southern Walkway
- 2016-02-17-Haurangis Over Mt Tuanganui to Mt Ross , Sutherlands Hut & up the Turanganui Stream.
- 2016-02-10-Whakanui Creek Along the Whakanui down to the Whakanui Creek & out along the East Whakanui.
- 2016-02-10-Panatewaewae A tops loop from North Manakau Road over Waitewaewae & Panatewaewae
- 2016-02-06-Hector River Up Hector River from Neil Forks Hut & back along the main range & Concertina Knob
- 2016-02-05-Waiheke Island A weekend of walking based at the Forest & Bird Onetangi Cottage.
- 2016-02-03-Phillips Stream A journey up Phillips Stream, with a bypass of a 15m waterfall.
- 2016-01-28-Otaki Forks A trip along the new track from Shields Flat to Otaki Forks
- 2016-01-13-The Peak Rimutaka Range A round trip to The Peak from the Orongorongo River
- 2016-01-09-Mick-Tangata Maunga A long trip up the Waitohu & over Mick & Tangata Maunga
- 2015-12-29-Tararua Lodge Ruapehu Days trips from the Tararua Lodge & celebration of New Year
- 2015-12-27-Schormanns To Kaitoke A Tararua Range traverse in 48 hours.
- 2015-11-21-Ōrongorongo River A Duke of Edinburgh tramp to the Ōrongorongo
- 2015-11-18-Lewis Pass Tops From Lewis Pass to open tops, Lucretia Peak, & down One Mile Creek
- 2015-11-15-Huntleigh Park Botany in the indigenous forest between Crofton Downs and Ngaio
- 2015-11-04-Gollans Stream-Rata Ridge Track Up trap lines to East Ridge, Gollans Steam & Rata Ridge track.
- 2015-10-28-Waitatapia-Papa Creek A loop from Waitewaewae Track to Waitatapia high point & northwards.
- 2015-10-23-Mt Cupola-Mt Travers Ascents of Mt Cupola from Cupola Hut & Mt Travers from a bush–line camp.
- 2015-10-23-Lake Angelus Along the Robert Ridge to Lake Angelus, returning via Hukere Stream
- 2015-10-14-Sayers Hut-Waiohine River A round trip from the Mangaterere Stream to the Waiohine River
- 2015-10-14-Maungakotukutuku A day trip over the peaks of Titi and Maunganui
- 2015-09-30-High Ridge A round trip from Totara Creek to High Ridge to Holdsworth Track
- 2015-09-19-Interclub Ski Races 2015 Interclub ski races
- 2015-09-16-Pigeon Bush Rimutaka Hill A day of track cutting and clearing.
- 2015-09-12-Melrose-Seatoun A walk on tracks and walkways & thru bush in southern Wellington
- 2015-08-29-Whakatikei River A day trip on various tracks & off-track & river flats.
- 2015-08-19-Akatarawa Stream A wet day trip in the bush to view the biggest NZ rata tree.
- 2015-08-12-Whitireia Park A cleanup of beaches in Whitirea Park and Te Onepoto Bay
- 2015-07-18-Atiwhakatu Hut A gourmet lunch at Atiwhakatu Hut
- 2015-06-07-Norbett Stream-Phillips Creek A fine wintry day walk to Norbett Stream and old Phillips Creek Shelter
- 2015-05-20-Historic Central Wellington A trip around central Wellington to view historic sites and buildings.
- 2015-05-13-Akatarawa Tops A large loop along off-track ridges & return along Pram track.
- 2015-04-29-Taits Stream A trip circling the upper Taits stream catchment, passing Rocky Knob & Reeves
- 2015-04-24-Marlborough Pinnacle A climb of the Marlborough Pinnacle in windy cloudy weather.
- 2015-04-24-Marlborough Pinacle
- 2015-04-12-Plateau Stream Two trips to explore the course of the Plateau Stream.
- 2015-03-25-Te Mara-Blue Range From Kiriwhakapapa along the old tramway then Blue Range and back over Rovers Hill
- 2015-03-25-Southern Walkway Wellington A day walk along the southern section of the Southern Walkway
- 2015-03-18-Timberlands Trail Pureora A cycle trip on the Timberlands Trail.
- 2015-03-18-Saddle Creek Spur A round trip up a spur from Saddle Creek & onto Waitewaewae & new SidleTracks.
- 2015-03-13-Wellington Town Belt A day on many tracks in the Wellington Town Belt
- 2015-02-18-Tapokopoko Stream A walk up the West Branch and spurs of the Tapokopoko Stream
- 2015-02-15-Trip Location Waitangi Weekend - Fiwld and Kime
- 2015-02-06-Northern Crossing A Northern Crossing in fine weather.
- 2015-02-06-Kime Hut A night in Field Hut then Kime, and a climb up Hector.
- 2015-01-28-Eastern Waitauru Wednesday trip to snowy river hut
- 2015-01-14-North Ohau Hut From the sidle track up the Ohau to river travel in the North Ohau.
- 2015-01-01-Snowy River-Elder Hut-Hector To Waiotauru Forks & the Snowy River to Elder Hut, & onto Aston Hector the next day
- 2014-12-29-Tararua Lodge A New Year’s lodge trip with lots of day walks
- 2014-12-17-Turere Ridge-Turere Stream Up the Turere ridge from the Orongorono track then down to the Turere stream and back.
- 2014-12-17-Ohau River-Deception Spur From Ohau River up a spur to Deception Spur track and down to North Ohau River
- 2014-12-17-Days Bay-Muritai By ferry to Days Bay & a walk to Muritai and a ramble up Muritai track
- 2014-12-05-Waerenga-Mt Mathews A weekend at Waeranga with a day trip to South Saddle and Mt Mathews
- 2014-12-03-Tauherenikau Gorge-Frith Difficult dense scrub and gorse on a trip to Frith.
- 2014-12-03-Putaputa Stream A round trip to the A-frame shelter in Putaputa Stream.
- 2014-11-28-Kawakawa Bay A rock climbing weekend at to Kawakawa Bay.
- 2014-11-19-Smith Creek Waterfalls A day trip through difficult terrain to the waterfalls of Smith Creek.
- 2014-11-16-Johnston Hill Reserve A day trip of botanising in Johnston Hill Reserve
- 2014-11-02-Tapuaenuku Mount Tapuaenuku Trip report - Labour Weekend October 2014
- 2014-11-01-Southern Alps Climbs in the Southern Alps by TTC members
- 2014-10-28-Papatahi A climb of Papatahi in bad weather starting at North Boulder Creek.
- 2014-10-22-Mt Wainui A trip from Waikakriki Stream to Wainui Saddle to Mt Wainui and down.
- 2014-10-2-Cycling New Zealand A 49 day cycle trip from 90 Mile Beach to Bluff.
- 2014-10-01-Mangaterere River-Waiohine An 8-hour round trip mostly along ridges from the Mangaterere River over Waiohine.
- 2014-08-20-Pukerua Bay Cleaning beaches at Pukerua Bay & Plimmerton in a cold showery southerly.
- 2014-08-17-Rangiwahia Hut-Mangahuia Ski touring from Rangiwahia Hut to Mangahuia after a big snowfall
- 2014-08-15-Mount Aspiring Winter climbs of Mount Aspiring, Stargazer, and Somnus
- 2014-08-09-Southern Crossing A snowy winter trip along the Marchant Ridge to Alpha
- 2014-08-09-Mahina Bay-Wainuiomata A walk along historic tracks in the East Harbour Regional Park in sleety southerly weather.
- 2014-07-25-Wanaka Backcountry Avalanche Course A course covering snowpack stability, avalanche risk, etc for the alpine environment.
- 2014-06-21-Island Bay-Seatoun A day walk of on and off-track travel near Island Bay and Seatoun.
- 2014-06-18-Mangaone-Pukeatua A trip on the Te Araroa walkway with the two parties meeting up on Pukeatua,
- 2014-06-13-Southern Crossing A moonlight Southern Crossing in perfect weather.
- 2014-05-09-Cone-Hector-Winchcombe A circuit from Cone to Alpha hut, Hector, Winchcombe and Neill.
- 2014-04-18-Mount Arapiles Australia Climbing single and mutipitch routes on Mount Arapiles, Australia.
- 2014-04-04-Bannister A circuit from Kiriwhakapapa over Bannister, the Waiohine Pinnacles, and Girdlestone
- 2014-04-03-The Community Track Brief trip summary here
- 2014-04-02-Matthews Climb of Matthews via Matthews Stream
- 2014-03-19-Tapokopoko Stream A trip up near Greens Stream and over the Rimutaka Range to Tapokopoko Stream
- 2014-03-15-Papa And Saddle Creeks Off-track travel to explore an area above the Waitewaewae Track
- 2014-03-11-Neill Forks-Tarahanga Spur Travel via Makaka Creek to Cone Ridge, Neill Forks Hut, then Tarahanga Spur – Concertina Knob.
- 2014-03-09-Balfour-Magellan Some extreme climbing from the Balfour Glacier to the top of Magellan
- 2014-02-28-Falling Mountain A climb of Falling Mountain in Arthurs Pass National park
- 2014-02-26-Mt Reeves A return trip up old and new tracks over Mt Reeves to Reeves Stream and the Tauherenikau.
- 2014-02-23-Mc Gregor Falls Mostly off-track travel including travel in Holdsworth Creek.
- 2014-02-12-Paekakariki Escarpment A day walk on sections of Te Araroa, and thru native forest and private farmland.
- 2014-02-05-Backwater Stream-Waiopehu A day trip to Waiopehu Hut via Blackwater Stream.
- 2013-12-22-Ohau Bay And Te Ika A Maru Bays A day walk in gullies and up ridges of the Terawhiti Station
- 2013-12-17-Trip Location theme or area of trips
- 2013-12-08-Old Ghost Road A 5-day trip from the Lyell to Mokihinui
- 2013-12-08-Herepai Hut-Ruapae Stream A wet trip mostly off-track, including down streams.
- 2013-12-04-Tapokopoko Ōrongorongo An off-track trip from the Ōrongorongo river to Tapokopoko, Rimutaka Range
- 2013-11-10-Harbour Regional Park Wellington A botanising trip up Muritai Track, Eastbourne.
- 2013-11-03 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-11-02 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-11-01 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-10-30 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-10-27-Kaiwharawhara Stream-Te Ahumairangi Hill An afternoon tramp that was slower than expected due to tree-falls
- 2013-10-27 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-10-26 Brief trip summary here
- 2013-10-25-Kaimanawas A 3-day trip in valleys and along the tops of the Kaimanawas
- 2013-10-21
- 2013-10-19-Belmont Regional Park A day walk in the Belmont Regional Park
- 2013-10-01-Cone Ridge In 1929 First published in The Tararua Tramper Vol.5,No.11,Sept15,1933
- 2013-08-24-Clem Creek Spur-Cone Peak A day trip from Walls Whare to a windy Cone Peak via Clem Creek Spur
- 2013-08-23-Whakapapa-Ruapehu Two weekends of Ski Touring at Whakapapa
- 2013-08-21-Mc Kerrow-Cattle Ridge Along Graces Stream, up Clay Ridge to McKerrow & back via Cattle ridge.
- 2013-08-15-Makara Coastline Clean-up Wednesday walkers spend a day removing rubbish from the Makara Coast
- 2013-07-27-Akatarawa Forest River crossings and wading, plus travel up and down spurs in the Akatarawa Forest
- 2013-07-26-Mount Hopeless A 3-day winter traverse of Mount Hopeless
- 2013-07-13-Ruapehu-Youth Programme Snow 1 A snow instruction course based at Hut Valley Lodge accompanied by a snow storm.
- 2013-07-06-Carrington Ridge Up Carrington Creek then a climb to near Gentle Annie Saddle & along Carrington Ridge
- 2013-06-23-Totara Flats Two nights at Totara Flats hut with exploring to Makaka Creek & Totara Creek
- 2013-06-09-Waerenga Hut A trip to Waerenga Hut to dedicate the Michael Taylor memorial dry stone seat.
- 2013-05-31-St Arnard Walks to the tops & around Lake Rotoiti from Red Deer Lodge
- 2013-05-25-Akatarawa Tramline Through Akatarawa forest spurs, ridges, & river crossings plus the Akatarawa Tramline
- 2013-05-11-Skull Gully Wainuiomata A trip in the Wainuiomata Water Catchment Area to Skull Gully & Drummond Ridge
- 2013-04-14-Mt Matthews A climb of Matthews by an off-track route.
- 2013-04-03-West Akatarawa Maunganui A day walk from in the N.W. Akatarawa Forest Park
- 2013-03-Mitre Peak A climb of Mitre Peak with two high camps.
- 2013-03-9-Mt Ross A round trip in the Aorangi Mountains encountering plenty of undergrowth.
- 2013-03-28-Robson S Lodge-Kuripapango Trips from Robson’s Lodge to Mount Kuripapango, Kaweka Hut, Mackintosh Hut, & Blowhard Bush Reserve.
- 2013-03-27-Roaring Meg Offtrack up the Roaring Meg then returning via ridge on south side.
- 2013-03-27-Pinnacle Ridge A round trip to Pinnacle, along Pinnacle Ridge & down the Atiwhakatu
- 2013-03-17-Kaitoki Ridge-Benge Creek On & off-track travel up Katoke Ridge to Benge Creek.
- 2013-03-09-Te Mara-Waingawa River-Mitre A demanding circuit encompassing Te Mara, Waingawa River, Girdlestone, and Mitre
- 2013-02-27-Ōrongorongo Valley-Turere Lodge A night at Turere Lodge & visits to Waeranga & Haurangi Lodges.
- 2013-02-21-Dorset Ridge A trip via Baldy and Caim and bushy ridges to Dorset Creek and Dorset Hut.
- 2013-02-20-Mangahao Up Baber creek, down Dick Creek, then (swimming) down the Mangahao
- 2013-02-18-False Spur A trip via Quoin Ridge to Alpha hut then to Atkinson via False Spur.
- 2013-02-17-Willowbank Park-Belmont Regional Park Day trip from Takapu Rd Station to Horokiwi Bridleway, Belmont Trig & Korokoro
- 2013-01-27-Northern Crossing A Northern Crossing by father and son.
- 2013-01-27-Adkin-Girdlestone-Dorset Ridge Angle Knob to MacGregor Bivvy, over Girdlestone to Dorset Ridge Hut & Atiwhakatu Hut
- 2012-11-Traverse Of Southern Alps Via Mts Cook And Tasman A sixteen day climbing trip with no helicopters!
- 2012-11-28-Hawtrey-Butterfly Creek A day trip from Hawtrey to Gollans Stream and up and along East Ridge ridge
- 2012-11-18-Seton Nossiter Park Woodridge A 4 hour botany trip in regenerating native forest.
- 2012-11-10-East Harbour Regional Park Traverse A 5 hour traverse across from Wainuomata to Eastbourne.
- 2012-11-07-Mt Rolleston-Avalanche Peak A climbing trip traversing Rolleston and Avalanche Peaks.
- 2012-10-19-Mt Tapuae O Uenuku Ascents of Mt Tapuae O Uenuku at labour weekend.
- 2012-10-19-Hopeless Hut-John Tait Hut A wet tramp to Hopeless Hut and John Tait Hut.
- 2012-10-19-Bibbulmun-Western Australia Tramping in the Bibbulmun region of Western Australia.
- 2012-09-Akatarawa Saddle-Kapakapanui A long trip on road to Akatarawa Saddle then track over Kapakapanui
- 2012-09-27-Mounts Paske And Dora Climbs of Mt Paske and Mt Dora from Paske Hut.
- 2012-09-15-Warenga Hut A gourmet weekend at Warenga Hut
- 2012-09-12-Tauwharenīkau Valley A snowy trip into Tutuwai Hut
- 2012-08-22-Turere Waterfall A day trip along the Whakanui track then down a ridge to the Turere Waterfall
- 2012-08-18-Waiotauru River-Pukeatua A trip through rugged bush to Waiotauru River then up to Pukeatua.
- 2012-08-12-Phillips Stream Up Norbett’s Creek Track then a loop around ridges above Phillips Stream
- 2012-08-11-Tasman Glacier Skiing A week of south island backcountry skiing
- 2012-08-10-Tararua Lodge A ski weekend of sunny skis and snow at the Tararua Lodge, Whakapapa
- 2012-07-28-Akatarawa-Kakanui Peak A day circuit along various bushy spurs to Kakanui peak.
- 2012-07-11-Rangituhi Colonial Knob A trip through Porirua Scenic Reserve to Rangituhi/Colonial Knob
- 2012-07-11-Battle Hill Volume 84, no 10, November
- 2012-07-08-Tararua Lodge Whakapapa School holiday Ski week, Tararua Lodge, Whakapapa Ski field
- 2012-05-19-Warrens Saddle-Hutt Forks-Phillips Stream-Norbett Stream A day of off-track travel in Kaitoke Regional Park.
- 2012-05-06-Te Kopi-Cape Palliser A cycle trip from Te Kopi to Cape Palliser and back.
- 2012-05-06-Sunday PM Zoo To Houghton Bay-Island Bay Sunday 1pm walk from Zoo to Houghton Bay to Island Bay & Champagne !
- 2012-05-05-Burn Hut Circuit A day trip from Mangahao River to Burn Hut to Mack’s Track,& Baber Forks
- 2012-04-27-Tiger Leaping Gorge-China A tramp down one of the world's deepest gorges in Yunnan Province of China
- 2012-04-25-Queen Elizabeth Park A trip through the southern part of Queen Elizabeth Park
- 2012-04-15-Barra Track-North King-Girdlestone-Mitre Barra track to Mitre Flats & a tops loop from North King to Girdlestone to Mitre
- 2012-04-14-Mc Kerrow-Turere-Whakanui Kiwi tracking in the Rimutaka Forest area behind Wainuiomata
- 2012-04-14-Maraenui Paekawakawa A day walk through reserves and beaches in south Wellington
- 2012-04-05-Moss Pass An easter trip up the Sabine, over Moss Pass, returning down the D'Urville
- 2012-03-28-Phillips Stream Three trips over three years to find the 10m waterfall in Phillips Stream.
- 2012-03-25-Abbotts Creek-Rimutaka Summit A day trip up Abbotts Creek and over the ridges to the Rimutaka Summit
- 2012-03-23-Mangaehuehu Glacier A training course in glacier travel & crevasse extraction, Mt Ruapehu
- 2012-03-16-Mitre Flats-Mid King-Jumbo A trip from Mitre Flats, Mid King Biv, Mid King, Broken Axe Pinnacles to Jumbo
- 2012-03-10-Totara Creek-Mangaterere Track-Sayers Hut A bushcraft trip with off-track navigation into the Totara Creek area
- 2012-03-10-Holdsworth-Jumbo A bushcraft trip over Holdsworth-Jumbo crossing
- 2012-02-22-Whakatikei Gorge A day trip up the Whakatikei Gorge and return over the tops.
- 2012-02-04-Waingawa River A trip down the Waingawa River downstream from Mitre Flats
- 2012-01-28-Bawbaw Rimutaka Divide An off-track day trip on the Rimutaka divide to Bawbaw
- 2012-01-26-Catchpool South Saddle-Matthews Track A day trip to South Saddle and ferocious winds.
- 2011-12-17-Holsdworth-Cone Ridge A 3 day trip from Totara Creek to Cone Ridge returning via Totara Forks Stream Spur
- 2011-12-03-Pioneer Hut Climbs of Haidinger, Halcombe, Glacier Peak, West Peak, & Lendenfield.
- 2011-12-03-Baring Head A cycle trip from Eastbourne to Baring Head and back into a northerly
- 2011-11-30-Mitre Flats Two trips to investigate old routes into Mitre Flats
- 2011-11-26-Waiopehu Hut A weekend to Waiopehu Hut returning via a longish short-cut
- 2011-11-20-Karori Reserves An 87 native species botany trip to three Karori Reserves
- 2011-11-16-Mt Holdsworth A day trip to Mt Holdsworth in changeable southerly weather
- 2011-11-16-Aoraki Mt Cook A climb of Aoraki Mt Cook
- 2011-11-09-Mangatoetoe Peak A climb of Mangatoetoe Peak, Aorangi Range,near Cape Palliseer.
- 2011-10-22-Waitewaewae-Oriwa Ridge A wet tramp from Waitewaewae to Oriwa peaks to Mick-Thompson ridge
- 2011-10-22-Mitre Peak Kaikouras An alpine climb of Mitre Peak in the inland Kaikouras
- 2011-10-21-Lake Challis A labour weekend trip to the Richmond Range, Marlborough.
- 2011-10-12-Makahika Valley-Foxhole Ridge-Makahika A Wednesday trip to Makahika Valley, Foxhole Ridge, and Makahika
- 2011-10-08-Taranaki East Slope A climb of Taranaki via the very steep Ted’s Alley
- 2011-09-28-Marchant Forks-Boulder Creek Spur Off-track trip from the Marchant Ridge to Marchant Forks to Boulder Creek Spur
- 2011-09-10-Days Bay-Lowry Trig-Wainuiomata An off-track trip along the bushy terrain from Days Bay to Lowry Trig to Wainuiomata
- 2011-09-03-Northern Southern Crossing-Waiotauru A round trip along the snowy tops of the northern part of the Southern Crossing
- 2011-08-21-East Harbour Regional Park A day trip long the ridges above Eastbourne
- 2011-08-13-Holdsworth S Forest Lookout-Carrington Ridge A day trip to the Holdsworth's Forest Lookout and on to Carrington Creek and Carrington Ridge
- 2011-08-10-Baring Head Pencarrow Lakes A windy day trip to Baring Head and Pencarrow Lakes
- 2011-07-23-Mangaone-Pukeatua-Otaki Forks A day tramp along the Mangaone-Pukeatua-Otaki Forks section of the Te Araroa walkway
- 2011-07-16-Clem Creek Spurs A day trip from Walls Whare to Clem Creek
- 2011-07-13-Northern Romania Travels by car and foot in Northern Romania
- 2011-07-01-Mt Rolleston A climb of the low peak of Mt Rolleston taking 19 hours
- 2011-06-04-Parks Peak-Upper Makaroro Hut A queens birthday weekend trip along the Ruahine tops and valleys.
- 2011-06-03-Kawhatau Outdoor Education Centre A Queens Birthday weekend lodge trip with lots of day walks.
- 2011-05-25-Pigeon Bush And Nicholl A windy day trip through Pigeon Bush and an ascent of Nicholl, 437m high.
- 2011-05-18-Sinclair Creek A day trip circum-navigating Sinclair Creek in the Wainuiomata catchment of WRC forest
- 2011-05-13-Naxos Island Greece Several day walks on the Naxos, one of islands in the Greek Cyclades group
- 2011-04-30-Galbraith Gully-To Holdaway Scenic Reserve A day trip up Galbraith Gully to Holdaway Scenic Reserve, to Baked Beans Bend and out.
- 2011-04-21-Nina Valley-Doubtful Valley Easter in the Nina and Doubtful valleys of Lake Sumner Forest Park
- 2011-04-09-Marchant Stream Forks-Marchant Ridge Down a spur from Dobsons to Marchant Stream Forks, & back to Marchant Ridge track
- 2011-04-08-Otaki Waterfall A day trip in difficult terrain to try to find the Otaki waterfall
- 2011-03-19-Cone Hut Work And Birthday Party A work party to maintain Cone Hut and celebrate its 65th birthday.
- 2011-03-11-Cone Hut-Neill-Winchcombe A trip to Cone and along the Neill-Winchcombe ridge with a retreat in misty conditions.
- 2011-02-27-Ruakokoputuna Road-Blue Rock Road A cycling trip up the Ruakokoputuna and Blue Rock Roads in the Wairarapa
- 2011-02-18-Cattle Ridge-Cow Creek A trip from Kiriwhakapapa to Cow Saddle to Waingawa Peak to Cattle Ridge and Cow Creek.
- 2011-02-11-Chamberlain Creek-Ruamahanga River Gorge An 18.5 hour trip down Chamberlain Creek and Ruamahanga River Gorge
- 2011-01-19-Taits Stream An adventurous trip from the Waiohine to Mt Reeves, down along Taits stream and back over Mt Reeves
- 2011-01-03-Holdsworth-Mid Waiohine-Aokaparangi Biv A trip to explore around Aokaparangi while based at Aokaparangi Biv.
- 2010-12-04-Hutt River-Quoin Ridge A strenuous 11 hour day from Kaitoke up the Quoin Ridge returning via the Eastern Hutt River gorge.
- 2010-11-26-Middle Crossing Via Shingle Slip Knob A Middle Crossing via Shingle Slip Knob with some steep bushy descents and ascents
- 2010-11-13-Otari-Wilton S Bush A day of native plant identification at Otari -Wilton's Bush.
- 2010-11-03-Waiohine And Tauherenikau Peaks Two Wednesday trips, first to the Waiohine and then to the Tauherenikau Peaks
- 2010-10-27-North Range Road-Hall Block Road Along North Range road and Hall Block road to Manawatu Gorge Scenic Reserve.
- 2010-10-22-Tapuae-o-uenuku Labour weekend climbs of Tapuae-o-Uenuku and Alarm from the Clarence River
- 2010-10-22-Table Ridge-Pinnacle Spur A 3 day loop traversing ridges, spurs and tracks including Waiohine Pinnacles and Arete Forks
- 2010-10-22-Pelorus River-Bryant Range Labour Weekend - Pelorus River to Middy Hut, & Bryant Range to Dew Lakes
- 2010-10-22-Mitre-Dorset Ridge A trip to Dorset Ridge Hut via Mitre and return over Cairn Peak and Baldy to Mitre Flat.
- 2010-10-17-Percy Scenic Reserve A trip to unveil a memorial to Peter Jagger in the Percy Scenic Reserve
- 2010-10-16-Mt Ruapehu Glaciers A ski touring weekend on Whakapapa, Mangaturuturu and Whangaehu glaciers
- 2010-10-02-Mick-Tangata Maunga A 9-hour day trip over two peaks and along ridges
- 2010-08-22-Tararua Lodge Mt Ruapehu University ski week at the TTC lodge.
- 2010-08-22-Marchant Stream-Joe S Track A day trip into the Tauherenikau via Dobsons and the puffer ending with a helicopter rescue.
- 2010-08-21-Penn Creek A trip along the difficult Penn Creek Track then off-track travel to Judd Ridge
- 2010-07-10-Wellington East Harbour Regional Park Up & down forested ridges of the East Harbour Regional Park, accessed by public transport.
- 2010-07-04-Tararua Lodge Ski Weeks July School Holiday Skiing at Tararua Lodge
- 2010-07-04-Bucegi Mountains-Romania A hike in changeable weather in the Bucegi mountains passing through Bucegi National Park, Romania
- 2010-07-01-Cordilleras Blanca And Huayhuash-Peru Eight weeks of climbing and living in the mountains of northern Peru using the town of Huaraz as a base
- 2010-06-27-Ōrongorongo Huts Two separate day trips to view two new DOC huts in the Ōrongorongos.
- 2010-06-26-Tararua Lodge Ruapehu A mid-winter weekend to celebrate the new alterations
- 2010-06-05-Makaroro River-Sparrowhawk Biv A lodge day trip with river crossings and bush bashing and steep tracks
- 2010-04-31-Otztal Alps Traverse An alpine ski touring trip to the Otztal alps, central eastern Alps, Europe
- 2010-04-24-East Wakanui A day of track clearing on the East Wakanui track, using the old pack track as access
- 2010-04-18-Whakanui Stm Traverse A day trip along the Whakanui Track to the East Whakanui Track via an off track crossing of Whakanui Stm
- 2010-04-18-Red Rocks A family tramp to Red Rocks, Wellington South Coast.
- 2010-04-17-The Pacific Crest Trail For 5 ½ months Susan Guscott and David Castle tackle the most fiendish of all fiendish tramping trips: the Pacific Crest Trail, USA
- 2010-04-02-Mt Owen An easter trip to Mt Owen area with climbs of Mt Owen, Replica, anda visit to Granity Pass.
- 2010-04-01-Renata Forks-Elder Hut-Quoin Ridge A 2-day round trip from Eastern Hutt to Elder Hut via Renata Forks and Quoin Ridge
- 2010-03-20-Tawirikohukohu-Deception Spur A trip to Tawirikohukohu, Mangahao Flats Hut, returning via Deception Spur
- 2010-03-20-Penn Creek Hut A tramp to Penn Creek Hut via Field Hut and Table Top returning up a scrubby ridge
- 2010-03-17-Pyramid Knob-Northern Tararuas A 7-hour round trip to Pyramid Knob, returning down an untracked spur to Waiti Stream
- 2010-03-11-Lookout Point Near Bruce Hill Investigating the Lookout Point SW of Bruce Hill on the Blue Range
- 2010-03-10-Wootton Stream-Tapokopoko An energetic day walk from the Orongorongo Track, up the Wootton Stream to the peak of Tapokopoko in the Rimutaka Range.
- 2010-02-22-Main Range-Maungahuka Hut-Middle Spur Otaki Forks to Kime to Maungahuka Hut with a side trip to Aokaporangi Hut & Middle Spur.
- 2010-02-20-Utah Ski Fields A ski trip to Utah, USA, to ski the best snow on earth
- 2010-02-20-Karaka Park-Korohiwa A day walk to the forest from Karaka Park to Korohiwa track
- 2010-01-29-Mid Waiohine Hut A trip to Mid-Waiohine Hut and return by an off-track route.
- 2010-01-22-Rainbow Road-Molesworth A cycle trip from St Arnaud through the Rainbow Valley to Lake Tennyson and on through the Molesworth to Hodder Bridge
- 2010-01-04-Mt Sealy A challenging 15 hour day to traverse Mt Sealy from Mueller Hut.
- 2010-01-03-Huayna Potosi-Bolivia A guided climb of a 6088m peak in Bolivia
- 2009 Patagonian Expedition40th Anniversary The 40th anniversary of: The “New Zealand Patagonian Expedition 1969 (commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Tararua Tramping Club)”
- 2009-12-01-Baring Head Climbing A day of bouldering and climbing at Baring Head in windy conditions.
- 2009-11-29-Wainuiomata Catchment Botanising A day of botanizing in the Wainuiomata Catchment
- 2009-11-08-Field Hut-workparty A Field Hut workparty on the 85th anniversary of the hut
- 2009-11-06-Bomb Arete-Lower Tuwharetoa Bluff-Girdlestone-Tahurangi A weekend of rock and snow climbing in Tongariro National Park.
- 2009-11-04-Otari-Skyline Ridge A walk along the Skyline Ridge above Otari in gale force winds
- 2009-10-24-Manuoha-Waikareiti A 3-day tramp along ridges and through luxuriant forest in the Ureweras
- 2009-10-23-Travers Valley-Hukere Stream-Angelus Basin A long-weekend trip to a campsite in the upper Hukere Stream and a sidetrip to Angelus Basin
- 2009-10-23-Rome Ridge-Mt Rolleston A climb of the low peak of Mt Rolleston via Rome ridge and back down the Goldney ridge
- 2009-10-14-Mc Kerrow Track-Whakanui Stream A visit to an aeroplane wreck and difficult travel in Whakanui Stream
- 2009-09-26 Cone Via Makaka Creek An off-track day trip to Cone Peak from Waiohine road end
- 2009-09-18-TTC Ruapehu Lodge Ski touring the glaciers from the TTC Lodge on Ruapehu
- 2009-09-18-Sunrise Hut-Waikamaka Hut Eastern Ruahines
- 2009-09-13-Marchant Stream Spur A fine day up the Marchant Stream Spur to the Marchant track
- 2009-09-12-Lowry Bay Waiu Park Hayward Scenic Reserve A botanizing trip in the eastern hills of Wellington.
- 2009-09-06-Table Top-Penn Creek Hut A strenuous day trip from Table Top to Penn Creek hut by a new route and back
- 2009-09-04-Tahurani Lodge-Taranaki
- 2009-09-04-Tahurangi Lodge-Taranaki A climb of Taranaki with icy conditions from Tahurangi Lodge
- 2009-08-22-Mt Cupola A climb of Mt Cupola by a difficult route and an unplanned overnight bivvy.
- 2009-08-22-Mt Cuploa
- 2009-07-05-Tinakori Hill Circuit 90th Anniversary tramp around a Tinakori Hill circuit
- 2009-07-05-Skyline Walkway Wellington 90th Anniversary tramp along the Skyline Walkway from Karori to Kaukau
- 2009-07-04-Turere-Wakanui 90th Anniversary tramp to McKerrow and Wakanui tracks and Turere stream
- 2009-05-30-Mt Una A cold mid-winter trip up Cannibal Gorge and over Ada Pass to climb Mt Una from the west branch of Christopher river
- 2009-04-26-Beacon Hill-Mt Bristol A tramp from Seatoun to Beacon Hill Reserve and through streets to Mt Bristol and beyond.
- 2009-04-16-Nichols Hut A trip from Otaki Forks to Waitewaewae hut and then to Nichols Hut and back.
- 2009-04-10-Mt Kehu-Mt Travers Climbs of Mt Kehu and Mt Travers, Nelson Lakes National Park
- 2009-04-04-Waiotauru Forks-Tregear Stream-Rae Ridge Track clearing of old logging roads plus travel up Rae Ridge
- 2009-03-29-Hikurangi Range Of Ruahines BA trip along the of the Ruahines tops in fine weather
- 2009-03-28-Mangaehuehu Glacier Instruction in glacier travel and rescue on the Mangaehuehu Glacier
- 2009-03-21-Percy Stream-Middle Ridge Track-Cannons Head Ridge A coast-to-coast from Petone to Paramata via Percy and Korokoro Streams.
- 2009-03-14-Tongariro Crossing A Tongariro crossing, ascents of Ngauruhoe and Tongariro, and a night at Ketetahi
- 2009-01-31-Waingawa River A trip with lots of swimming to Mitre Flats bridge and then down the Waingawa River Gorge.
- 2009-01-31-Deception Spur A 10-hour round trip along untracked bushy spurs near North Ohau River
- 2009-01-21-Herepai-Ruapai A long day trip encircling Herepai, Ruapai, Haukura Ridge, and Ruapai Stream
- 2009-01-17-Putaputa Stream A day trip to Kakariki summit, with some tricky navigation and bush bashing.
- 2008-6-14-Turoa To Whakapapa Brief trip summary here
- 2008-12-27-Ahuriri Valley A Xmas trip to explore the Ahuriri valley and nearby valleys, plus various climbs.
- 2008-12-05-Waerenga Hut-Mt Matthews A summer weekend at Waerenga with a climb of Matthews
- 2008-11-28-Carkeek Ridgemiddle Crossing A traverse across remote parts of the Tararuas requiring long days.
- 2008-11-08-Girdlestone A 13-hour ascent of Girdlestone, Ruapehu. by Alpine Instruction graduates.
- 2008-11-02-Mt Taranaki A snow climb of classic north ridge route of Taranaki in perfect weather.
- 2008-11-02-Field Hut Work Party A Field hut work party of 4 people who celebrated the 84th birthday of Field hut.
- 2008-10-29-Waitohu Stream-Mick A day trip to Waitohu stream for a climb of Mick using new routes.
- 2008-10-27-Whitemans Valley-Blue Mountain Road A day bike trip from Wallaceville to Whiteman’s Valley
- 2008-10-24-Te Puia Lodge-Mangatainoka Hot Springs A Labour weekend trip to Te Puia Lodge,and to hot springs at Mangatainoka and the Mangatutu roadend.
- 2008-10-06-Waerenga Hut A gourmet trip to Waerenga with an attempt on Mt Mathew thwarted by strong winds.
- 2008-10-01-Red Rock Stream-Kotumu A trip of river travel and some bush bashing to a peak, returning along a windy ridge.
- 2008-09-12-Lees Creek-Raglan Range A four day trip to explore Lees Creek with plentiful spring snow
- 2008-09-12-Alpine Instruction Snow Caving Snow caving on northern Ruapehu plus a climb of Te Heu Heu
- 2008-09-10-Square Knob From The Waiti Brief trip summary here
- 2008-09-05-Putara-Cattle Ridge-Pukemoremore A weekend trip n the Northern Tararuas
- 2008-08-23-Takapu Stream-Te Awakairangi A challenging day walk through reserves and patches of dense bush in the hills between Wellington and Hutt Valley
- 2008-08-16-Kotumu Stream-Waterfall Stream-The Peak A 10 hour day trip to the tops of the steep and scrubby Ōrongorongo
- 2008-07-17-Haurangi-Kawakawa Hut-Washpool Hut Brief trip summary here
- 2008-06-21-Pakuratahi Forest-Climie Creek Brief trip summary here
- 2008-06-14-Turoa To Whakapapa Brief trip summary here
- 2008-05-17-Puketaramea-Lake Colenso-Mokai Patea Brief trip summary here
- 2008-05-04-Waiotauru River And Snowy Hut Snowy and Eastern Waiotauru Rivers
- 2008-04-27-Baldy-Girdlestone-Dorset Ridge-Mc Gregor Brief trip summary here
- 2008-04-12-High Ridge-Totara Flats Brief trip summary here
- 2008-03-29-Wellington Town Belt Brief trip summary here
- 2008-03-21-Mokai Patea Range-Maropea Forks Brief trip summary here
- 2008-03-15-Southern Crossing Brief trip summary here
- 2008-03-09-Pekapeka Brief trip summary here
- 2008-02-16-Kiriwhakapapa-Cow Creek-Ruamahanga Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-21-Mt Whitcombe Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-19-Ruapehu-around The Mountain Track Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-18-Tarn Ridge Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-10-Ascent Of Aoraki Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-03-Mt Taranak High Altitude Route Brief trip summary here
- 2008-01-02-Mount Hikurangi Brief trip summary here
- 2007-12-30-Sayers Hut Brief trip summary here
- 2007-12-09-Gorge Creek Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-24-Neill Forks Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-17-Matiu Or Somes Island Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-15 Middle Crossing A November Middle Crossing
- 2007-11-10-Ōrongorongo-Goat Spur Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-03-Eastern Hutt River Gorge-Phillips Stream Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-02-Southern Crossing Brief trip summary here
- 2007-11-02-Field Hut83rd Birthday Work Party Brief trip summary here
- 2007-10-26-Mt Hopeless Brief trip summary here
- 2007-10-20-Aorangi-N-S Traverse
- 2007-10-19-Tapuae-O-Uenuku Brief trip summary here
- 2007-10-13-Fall Stream Waterfall Brief trip summary here
- 2007-10-06-Ngamoko Range-Toka
- 2007-09-29-Roaring Stag Lodge-Lost Lake
- 2007-09-29-Pakuratahi-Waiorongomai
- 2007-09-22-Penn Creek Revisited Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-15-St James Walkway
- 2007-09-15-Mt Taranaki
- 2007-09-15-Clem Creek Spur-Cone Peak Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-09-Rimutaka Range South Of Mt Climie Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-08-Rae Ridge Brief trip summary here
- 2007-09-07-Interclub Ski Sports
- 2007-08-25-Lowry Bay-Gollans Stream-East Ridge
- 2007-08-24-Waitotara-Trains Hut
- 2007-08-24-Snow Caving-Alpine Instuction
- 2007-08-24-Gorge Stream Spur Brief trip summary here
- 2007-08-18-Whakanui-586
- 2007-08-17-Waikuku Lodge
- 2007-08-13 Tararua Lodge Preschool Ski Trip
- 2007-07-08-Tararua Lodge-Ski Week
- 2007-06-29-Alpine Instruction-Tararua Lodge
- 2007-06-23-Winter Solstice In The Tararua Lodge
- 2007-06-20-Winter Solstice Celebration
- 2007-06-15-Kapakapanui Stream
- 2007-05-26-East Whakanui-Whakanui Track Brief trip summary here
- 2007-05-20-Sayers Hut
- 2007-05-09-Mt Frith
- 2007-04-29-Korokoro-Belmont Ridge-Hawk Spur
- 2007-04-22-Umukarikari-Waipakihi-Urchin
- 2007-04-08-Raukawa Lodge-Ōrongorongo River
- 2007-04-06-Southern Main Range-Tararuas
- 2007-03-24-Mick Stream
- 2007-03-16-Tauherenikau-Eastern Hutt-Marchant Ridge
- 2007-03-02-Holdsworth-Jumbo
- 2007-02-10-Panatewaewae Stream
- 2007-02-10-North Ohau Hut
- 2007-01-Whanganui River-Canoeing
- 2007-01-28-Trelissick Park-Kaiwharawhara Stream-Kaukau
- 2007-01-24-Days Bay-Gollans Stream-Mt Lowry
- 2007-01-20-Mick Ridge-Waitewaewae Forks
- 2007-01-19-Otaki Forks-Tregear Creek-Rae Ridge
- 2006-Winter-First Trip To Snow
- 2006-Winter-Alpine Instruction Course
- 2006-12-28-Ruamahunga River-Roaring Stag Lodge-Haukura Ridge-Ruapae Stream
- 2006-12-28-Hopkins And Huxley River Valleys
- 2006-12-16-Camp Wainui-Round Ridge-Upper Graces Stream-Mc Kerrow-Bruces Track
- 2006-10-21-Carrington Spur-Sayers Hut-Totara Creek
- 2006-10-14-South Ohau-North Ohau-Bump 773
- 2006-10-14-Atiwhakatu-Pinnacle-Pinnacle Ridge-Atiwhakatu
- 2006-09-16-Kakanui-Renata Ridge-Maymorn Ridge-Frances Stream
- 2006-09-15-Mt Taranaki
- 2006-09-02-Cloustonville-Pakuratahi Forks
- 2006-08-28-Cone Hut
- 2006-08-05-Mangaone
- 2006-07-02-Dobsons-Tauherenikau
- 2006-06-21-Johnston Hill-Makara Peak-Wrights Hill
- 2006-06-10-Battle Hill-Whakatikei River
- 2006-06-04-Lowry Bay-Eastbourne
- 2006-06-03-Tauherenikau 889 From Valley
- 2006-06-03-Ski Life Lodge-Family
- 2006-05-28-Peak District Rambles
- 2006-05-13-New Bridge New Territory
- 2006-04-Bushcraft
- 2006-04-22-Speedy Stream-Belmont Regional Park-Takapu Road
- 2006-04-14-Rangipo
- 2006-04-14-Easter-Tararuas
- 2006-04-13-Easter-Sixtus Lodge-Family
- 2006-04-08-Holdsworth Lodge-TT Cunplugged
- 2006-04-01 Rail Incline-Virgin Spur-Bump792-Tunnel Peak-Goat Track
- 2006-04-01 Rail Incline-Bump792-Tunnel Peak-Goat Track
- 2006-02-19 East Harbour Regional Park Traverse
- 2006-02-11 Turere Stream
- 2006-02-06-Abel Tasman-Park Walk
- 2006-02-04 Island Forks
- 2006-01-21 Ngapuketutua Stream
- 2006-01-15-Hurunui Mainland Island
- 2005-12-02 Pukeatua Stream Traverse
- 2005-11-05 M-F-Off Track Exploration
- 2005-11-05-Castle Hill Climbing
- 2005-11-04 Endangered Native Birds-Kokako
- 2005-10-23 Weather Effects
- 2005-10-22 Waiopehu-Te Matawai-Ohau
- 2005-10-21 Endangered Native Birds-Whio
- 2005-09-03 Ohau-Ponds Road-Square Knob-Tawikikohukohu
- 2005-09-03 IDEA-Bushwalk
- 2005-09-02 Bannister Circuit
- 2005-08-28 Blue Range Hut-Gourmet Dinner
- 2005-08-21 Walls Whare-Cone Saddle-Waiohine River
- 2005-08-20 Mid Waiohine Hut Or Sayers Hut
- 2005-08-13 Marchant
- 2005-08-06-Billy Stew
- 2005-07-30 Cone Hut
- 2005-07-16 Oteranga Bay-Terawhiti Hill-Ohau Hill-White Rock Hill
- 2005-07-16 Holdsworth-Mountain House Shelter-Totara Stream And Lodge
- 2005-07-10 Whakanui-Ōrongorongo Tracks
- 2005-07-06 Camp Wainui Crowther Mc Kerrow Graces Stream-Round Ridge
- 2005-06-05 Rocky Stream-Mt Dick
- 2005-06-01 Kaitoke-Smith Creek-Upper Farm Creek
- 2005-05-14 Cow Creek-Arete Forks
- 2005-04-23-Ngauranga-Fort Buckley-Pipitea
- 2005-04-03 Waerenga Hut
- 2005-03-12 Roaring Stag Swansong
- 2005-03-06 Belmont-Paremata
- 2002-Easter-Lewis Pass-Lodge Trip
- 2002-03-23 Otaki Forks-Waitatapia-Gorge Stream
- 2002-03-09 Walls Whare-Neill-Winchcombe-Alpha
- 2002-03-09 Otaki-Sheridan Creek-Tirotiro Knob-Field
- 2002-02-27 Owhiro Bay
- 2002-02-16 Pakuratahi Forks-Te Marua
- 2002-02-16 Ohau-Deception Spur-Triangle Spur-Dundas-Arete
- 2002-02-09 Waiorongomai
- 2002-01-27 Paremata-Petone
- 2002-01-18 Molesworth-Biking
- 2001-Labour Weekend-Richmond Range
- 2001-Labour Weekend-Kawekas
- 2001-12-22 Frith-unnamed Tararua Creek
- 2001-11-27 Sandra Lee Clubnight Speech
- 2001-11-17 Waiorongomai
- 2001-11-09 Cupola
- 2001-10-17 Otari Ramble
- 2001-10-05 Papatahi-Mt Matthews
- 2001-09-16 Southern Hinterland
- 2001-09-08 Takapu Road-Belmont Trig-Petone
- 2001-08-15 The Peak From Palliser Bay
- 2001-08-10 Mitre Flats-North Mitre Stream Spur-Table Ridge
- 2001-08-01 Papatahi
- 2001-07-25 Karori-Sinclair Head
- 2001-07-21 Karori-Outer Town Belt-Aro Street
- 2001-07-07 Otaki Forks-Waitatapia-Saddle Creek
- 2001-06-16 Mac Kays Crossing-Mt Wainui-Orange Hut
- 2001-05-26 Kaitoke-Hutt Forks-Lower Quoin Ridge-Eastern Hutt
- 2001-05-21 Walls Whare-Makaka Creek Spur-Cone Ridge-Clem Creek Spur
- 2001-05-20 Ngaio-Ahumairangi-Perretts Corner
- 2001-05-12 Ōrongorongo Ridge
- 2001-05-05 East Whakanui Track-Mc Kerrow Track
- 2001-04-20 Northern Ruahines
- 2001-04-07 Ohau-Mayo Knob-Waiopehu Track
- 2001-03-10 Owhiro Bay-Oteranga Bay-Makara
- 2001-03-02 Holdsworth-Mitre
- 2001-02-17 Waiopehu-Twin Peak-Gable End
- 2001-02-14 Baring Head-Pencarrow Lakes
- 2001-02-11 Takapu Road-Outer Town Belt-Korokoro Stream
- 2001-02-06 Waitangi Day Wanderings
- 2001-02-03 Atiwhakatu-Angle Knob-Jumbo-Holdsworth
- 2001-01-27 Riddifords-Dicks Stream-Kotomu
- 2001-01-26 Waiorongomai Saddle-Ōrongorongo Ridge
- 2001-01-19 Middle Crossing
- 2001-01-13 Kaitoke-Cone Hut
- 2000-12-17 Botany Field Trip-Wainuiomata Catchment
- 2000-12-09 Tunnel Gully Area
- 2000-12-01 Holdsworth-Isabelle Creek-Waiohine River-High Ridge
- 2000-10-28 Quoin Ridge-Alpha-Eastern Hutt
- 2000-10-28 One Day-Neill Winchcombe Crossing
- 2000-10-15 Wainuiomata-Gollans-Days Bay
- 2000-10-14 Climie-Reddington Stream
- 2000-08-28 Ohau-Gable End-Mayo Knob-Waiopehu Track
- 2000-07-22 Mangaone Walkway-Kaitawa Ridges-Waikanae
- 2000-07-08 Kaitoke-Dobsons-Phillips Stream-Farm Creek
- 2000-07-02 Waiopehu Track-Oriwa Ridge-Waitewaewae Hut-Mick-Waitohu Stream
- 2000-06-Western Hutt River Catchment
- 2000-06-17 Kaitoke-Hydrology Tower-Bump533-Phillips Stream
- 2000-06-10 Cattle Ridge-Turere-Mt Mc Kerrow
- 2000-04-29 Ōrongorongo Range-Peak Crossing
- 2000-04-12 Burn Hut
- 2000-03-25 Waikanae-Hemi Matenga-Kapakapanui Stream
- 2000-03-04 Mangaterere-Sayers Hut-Mt Waiohine
- 2000-02-20 Barra Track-Mitre Flats-Waingawa River
- 2000-02-19 Neill Winchcombe Crossing
- 2000-02-18 Walls Whare-Cone Ridge-Totara Flats
- 2000-02-12 Underhill Bucks Road-Tauherenikau River-Mt Tauherenikau
- 2000-02-12 Super Sewer Tour
- 2000-02-04 Southern Main Range
- 2000-01-21 St Arnaud-Hanmer Springs
- 2000-01-15 Otaki Forks-Field Hut-Vosseler-Penn Creek
- 2000-01-01 Mt Kau Kau
- 1999-unknown-Queen Charlotte Walkway With A Baby
- 1999-Easter-1000 Acre Plateau-Family Group
- 1999-11-28 Otari Wilton Botany
- 1999-11-20 Holdsworth-Totara Creek-High Ridge
- 1999-11-13 Papatahi Crossing
- 1999-10-29 Cone Hut-Upper Tauherenikau-Alpha-Quoin
- 1999-10-22 Labour Weekend Tararua Weather
- 1999-10-08 Richmond Range
- 1999-10-08 Dorset Ridge
- 1999-10-02 Mc Kerrow-Whakanui-Mystery
- 1999-09-25 Rimutaka Cafe-Abbots Creek-Burnt Spur
- 1999-09-18 Quoin Ridge-Alpha-Eastern Hutt
- 1999-09-12 Richmond Range
- 1999-09-04 Club Ski Sports
- 1999-08-28 Kaitoke-Hobbs Memorial-Hutt Forks-Phillips Stream
- 1999-08-21 A Rain-Ruined Recce
- 1999-08-06 Skiing Manganui
- 1999-08-01 Marchant Ridge-Eastern Hutt River
- 1999-07-31 The80th Lodge Tramping And Social Meet
- 1999-07-31 Smith S Creek-Point 714
- 1999-07-31 Old-New Smith Creek Tracks Mid Tauherenikau
- 1999-07-31 Contrasting80th Trips
- 1999-07-24 Climie-Tunnel Gully
- 1999-06-23 Winter Solstice Party At Waerenga Hut
- 1999-05-29 Eastbourne-Hawtrey Spur-Upper Gollans Valley-Lowry
- 1999-05-16 Maraenui-Mapuia-Te Aro
- 1999-05-08 Woodside-Rocky Knob-Taits Stream-Mt Reeves
- 1999-05-01 Waitohu-Thompson-Mick
- 1999-04-24 Kapakapanui Stream-Bump 611-1949 Lodestar Air Crash
- 1999-03-27 Bull Hill Circuit-Northern Aorangi Range
- 1999-03-21-Karori Silver Stream Carey Gully Paekawakawa
- 1999-02-07 Tauherenikau Gorge Family Trip
- 1999-01-18 Climie-Redington Spur-Mid Climie Creek
- 1999-01-16 Dobsons-Phillips Stream
- 1998-Waitangi Weekend-Maungahuka-Tarahanga Spur-Hector River-Kime
- 1998-Easter-Kawekas
- 1998-9-Summer-South Island Cycling
- 1998-11-28 Kiriwhakapapa-Rover S Hill-Blue Range Hut
- 1998-11-22 Wright Hill-Karori Sanctuary-Waimapihi Valley
- 1998-11-21 Climie-Redington Spur-Pakuratahi River
- 1998-10-Around Egmont With The Children
- 1998-10-31 Woodside-Coal Stream Headwaters-Mt Reeves
- 1998-10-17 Rail Incline Kaitoke-Bump857m-Tunnel Peak
- 1998-10-16 Chateau-Oturere-Tongariro
- 1998-10-11 Otaki Forks
- 1998-10-10 Carrington Stream-Carrington Track
- 1998-09-20 Karori Sanctuary-Waipapa Valley-Oku Hill-Island Bay
- 1998-07-04 Kaitoke-Smith S Creek-Bump714m-Bump805m
- 1998-06-27 Sunny Grove-Turere-Whakanui Creek
- 1998-06-24 Solstice-Trail
- 1998-06-12 Mid Pohangina
- 1998-05-29 Upper Tauherenikau
- 1998-05-16 Mangaone North-Pukehinau Stream-Tent
- 1998-05-10 City To Sea Walkway
- 1998-05-09 Puketoi-Caving
- 1998-05-02 Judd Ridge-Sheridan Creek-Rae Ridge
- 1998-04-25 Kaitoke Rail Incline-Tunnel Peak
- 1998-04-25 Field Hut-Historic Display-Opening
- 1998-04-18 Ohakune Golf Tournament
- 1998-03-08 Super Sewer Tour Mark III
- 1998-02-21 Kiwiwhakapapa-Bruce Hill-Te Mara
- 1998-02-14 Ohau-Waiti Stream
- 1998-02-06 Travers-Sabine
- 1998-02-06 Marlborough Sounds
- 1998-02-05 Nelson Lakes-Angelus
- 1998-02-05 Lake Wairarapa
- 1998-01-16 Upper Ōtaki
- 1997-Ski-Sports
- 1997-Labour Weekend-Richmond
- 1997-Labour Weekend
- 1997-Easter-Herepai-Dundas-Cattle Ridge
- 1997-Easter-Bridge To Nowhere Family Trip
- 1997-12-27 Tararuas-Ten Days
- 1997-11-22 Tauherenikau-Fan Stream Spur
- 1997-11-16 Botany Trip-Haywards Scenic Reserve
- 1997-10-24 Tarn-Carkeek-Dorset
- 1997-10-12 Mc Kerrow Stream-Turere Stream
- 1997-08 Rangiwahia-Howletts-Iron Gate
- 1997-08-31 Roseneath-Te Rae Kai Hau
- 1997-06-27 Holdsworth-Cone Ridge-Kaitoke
- 1997-06-20 Bridge Peak-Vosseler-Penn Creek
- 1997-05-31 Tregear Spur-Snowy River-Rae Ridge
- 1997-05-30 Lake Rotoiti
- 1997-05-17 Kaitoke-Marchant
- 1997-05-11 Maraenul-Paekawakawa
- 1997-04-29 Puketaha Saddle-Little Huia
- 1997-03-09 Town Belt
- 1997-02-22 Marchant
- 1997-02-08 The Peak-Mukamukaiti
- 1997-01-Southern Crossing With Children
- 1996-Easter-Queen Charlotte Walkway
- 1996-12-Waiototo Wanderings
- 1996-12-Holiday-Mt Ruapehu
- 1996-11-30 Drummond Ridge Mt Devine
- 1996-11-23 Climie-Redington Spur
- 1996-11-02 Clem Creek Spur-Cone Peak
- 1996-10-Labour Weekend-Heaphy Track
- 1996-10-25 Ōtaki Forks-Park Forks-Nichols
- 1996-10-05 Totara Creek-High Ridge-Powell
- 1996-10-04 Haurangi Range
- 1996-09-21 East Holdsworth-Jumbo-Atiwhakatu
- 1996-08-27 Blue Range-Waingawa-Arete Forks